
Saturday 23 June 2018

Longest Day Marathon 2018

This is the third year for the Longest Day Marathon and I stitched the most projects out of the three years too!

Once again, I had to chose a date which fitted my schedule and that turned out to be the day after the Longest Day; Friday 22nd June.

I made a list of all my WIPs and UFOs the day before and went through all the storage places to make sure I had all the charts, fabric and threads in the same place to make it easier.

Before the boys had left for school I had managed to stitch on two projects starting with my Ten-a-Day:

Just Nan's Autumn in the Square:

ten lilac stitches in the left corner

Followed by my Temperature SAL by Hetti Ruckert:

9 orange stitches in the top left corner

Once the boys went off to school and hubby to work, the stitching could really start with 15 minutes on my Just Nan Small; Butterfly Summer:

a row of satin stitch at the bottom

9.15am Project 4 - Lavender & Lace Enchanted Alphabet

started the X

 9.45am Project 5 - Lyndisfarne Designs Discworld Mappe

stitched some turtle flipper

10.15am Project 6 - Chatelaine Gardens of London

completed the cross stitch for this garden

10.45am Project 7 - Nora Corbett Gathering Eggs

stitched some hair

 11.15am Project 8 - Joan Elliott Reading Fairy

stitched some purple and green

11.45am Project 9 - Donna Kooler Zodiac

started Cancer

12.15pm Project 10 - Just Nan Autumn House

stitched some orange border

12.45pm - short break for lunch and then

1.00pm Project 11 - Jardin Prive Happy Hallowe'en Night

started the graveyard

1.30pm Project 12 - Just Nan 12 Days of Christmas

stitched the white numbers

2.00pm Project 13 - Satsuma Street Nest Egg

stitched a beak

2.30pm Project 14 - Plum Street Sampler Brew Haha

stitched the letters

Then I had to take an unplanned break to do the school run as hubby could not get back from his job in time.

4.00pm Project 15 - JBW Smiling Jack O-Lanterns

stitched the orange in the border

4.30pm Project 16 - Nora Corbett Raven

stitched some purple

5.00pm Project 17 - Kustom Krafts Little Snapdragon

turquoise in the wing

5.30pm Project 18 - Joan Elliott Faces SAL

stitched some blue ribbon

6.00pm - break for tea

6.30pm Project 19 - Scarlet Letter English Transitional Sampler

stitched some blue Holbein

7.00pm Project 20 - Papillon Around the World in 80 Stitches

stitched some green border

7.30pm Project 21 - Yiota's Cross Stitch Coffee Fairy

frogged a bit and then stitched some cup

8.00pm Project 22 - Marie Suarez My Lovely Sewing Tools

stitched some border

8.30pm Project 23 - Samplermakers Spring Sampler

stitched some green leaves

9.00pm Project 24 - Craft Collection Art Nouveau Head

stitched some brown

9.30pm Project 25 - Ernie Bishop Noel Letter O

stitched some green

10.30pm Project 26 - Mrs Peggotty's Alice & The Flamingo

stitched around her eyes

And so to bed!

It was a fantastic stitching day, reminding me why I started so many of these projects and wondering why some became UFOs.  There is definitely a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) with some of the SALs where I started because everyone else was but then ran out of steam.  The plan is to pick one or two UFOs each work to focus on and try complete some of the older projects.  My Lovely Sewing Tools is probably my favourite and closest to a finish too.

Thanks to everyone who joined in on Facebook, whether you stitched or just watched.  It was fun to see all the "likes" over the course of the day.

Finally, here's a little video clip of me talking about my set-up:


  1. Jo, I loved the short video of you talking! Your voice put a BIG SMILE on my face. :D

  2. You had a great longest time! I'm glad to see some of them coming out into the daylight again. Your little video was great; I think all Americans have it hardwired to love y'all's accent haha. :D

  3. Oh my! What a day - definitely a marathon. Well done!

  4. I am so impressed with all you accomplished!! I also enjoyed your video!! You were very well organized!!

  5. This day has become a good way to see all your projects. You must be a really fast stitcher to make visible progress in 15-30 mins. Good idea to concentrate on some UFOs

  6. Oh my gosh, so many different projects that you do not lose track, but it must have been great fun. I have also seen your temperatures SAL - you have chosen very beautiful colors.
    Have a beautiful Sunday, Martina

  7. I was already waiting for this post, Jo. Thank you for compiling it for those of us who are not on FB.
    So impressive that you managed to work on 26 projects during the day and evening. And so great to see that some of the really old projects saw the light of day again, lol. When i pull out one of my real UFOs that I haven't worked on for years I feel that I develop a new love of it and want to stitch on it forever, or until it's finished (what I never do, unfortunately). Quite obviously it's the same with you. Looking forward to seeing Sewing Tools getting some more attention.

  8. I loved this idea. I may have to copy you next year. An entire day of stitching....awesome. I loved so many of your stitches too.

  9. You did so well Jo, even with the unplanned school run. Sewing tools is lovely and it’s great to see the snapdragon again. I really found the day gave me renewed enthusiasm for most of my projects. Absolutely loved the video and putting a voice to the blog! Thanks for organising this again. Happy stitching

  10. I'm going to be looking forward to seeing My Lovely Sewing Tools done in the near future! What a pretty stitch. You were certainly organized and I really enjoy hearing the "voice" behind the blog, lovely accent too!! Great day and great progress.

  11. So many projects! I love how organised you were to start this out! x

  12. Wow, Lady!! You got some serious stitching done! Maybe next year I can join you, now that I know how to get organized! Loved seeing all your projects!!

  13. Hi Jo, I am so impressed with dedication- 26 projects in one day is quite a coup. All your WIPs are lovely and the Sewing Tools is almost done. I loved your video at the end, it was great to hear your voice and I store my fabrics rolled, too. Congrats on a successful marathon!

  14. Congratulations on another successful Longest Day Marathon, and how apt you managed to stitch on 26 projects. You must have been exhausted but so pleased at the end of the day. There are some lovely projects; shame that some of them will have to be put away again for a while! :)

  15. Great job again this year Jo. Love all of your projects. Did you not work on your Maynia starts. Alice looks great.


  16. Wow Jo that looks like a really fun day! You have such a huge variety of styles, it's amazing! Thanks for sharing! I also enjoyed your little video!

  17. What fun , some beautifully stitching ,hugs.

  18. Congrats on the successful marathon:) Nice video! You must have had lots of fun gathering projects. I guess that part of marathon is useful for me to shed some calories:D Good to see my gifted bag being a part of marathon:)

  19. Congratulations on a successful Longest Day! Great projects. I hope it isn't 6 months before we see them all again.

  20. Congrats! I didn't get to join in like I had hoped. Just no time lately. I LOVE all your projects and a video too! What a treat. My son and I always talk about the accent of you beautiful over the pond people and you were exactly what we thought we would hear. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  21. I can't play the video :(

  22. What a great stitching adventure - I'm so glad I joined you this year! I felt the same - still in love with all those WIPs and UFOs and very determined to work on all of them more.

  23. Well done, Jo! You are such an inspiration to us all. Such great projects and you stitched on so many - amazing! Loved your video and it was so lovely to actually hear your voice although I must admit, when I read your blogs and your emails I "hear" your voice with an Aussie accent - so I was quite surprised (rather stupidly) to hear your English accent - I am such a doofus!

  24. I got a little dizzy! My goodness you have a lot of starts. Interesting to see them all!

  25. You are a marvel! I couldn't work on so many in one day.

  26. This post is exactly the reason I love blogging more than fb. I followed you on the day on fb and it is pretty cool, but I love reading all about in your blog post. I can see your progress so much better. You had a big day little lady. Well done on your success.
    xo Alicia

  27. Wow! So many great projects, Jo! Wow! You are a busy lady, my friend. I enjoyed the video! Kisses!!!

  28. I don't even know where to begin! Everything is coming along beautifully, but you know I'm loving the snapdragon!

  29. Wow, Jo! Congratulations on working on so many projects in one day. You are very organised, and it was great to be able to actually see what you had stitched. It was nice to hear your voice on the video!
    (I see D1-D2 couldn’t see the video: In case it helps to know, I found that too at first, but I refreshed the page and just kept tapping the arrow on the video until it worked.)
    Once again, we’ll done on all your stitching and organising for this event Jo.
    Barbara xx


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