
Saturday 12 May 2018

Stitch Maynia Just Nan-a-thon

Multi-start challenges are nothing new to the stitching world; there was the Crazy January Challenge, then the Ultimate Crazy January Challenge, the Year of Starts and March Madness.  I took part in the DUCJC in 2015 in honour of SoCal Debbie and also March Madness for Theme-a-licious and Theme-tas-Stitch but this is my first Maynia.  Founded in 2015, only a few months after the DUCJC, some people just could not get enough of the multi-starts!

The challenge has evolved over the years.  Some people are doing the original 15 starts, some 18 starts (for 2018) and some are doing multi-WIPs.  There are even some people turning it on it's head and doing Monogamous May.  Whatever you choose, it's all good fun.

I have decided to follow on from March Madness in 2017 and do one small Just Nan start per day.  Just one length of thread, photograph it, post on FB and move on to my main piece for the day.

Here are the first 12 starts:

Just in case you can't identify them, here's the list:

01/05/18 Butterfly Lace
02/05/18 Butterfly Needlebook
03/05/18 Butterfly Needlebook 2
04/05/18 Spring Fantasy
05/05/18 Butterfly Welcome
06/05/18 Christmas Friends
07/05/18 Christmas Memories Ornament
08/05/18 Crystal Heart
09/05/18 Garden Maze
10/05/18 Holly Berry Snowflakes Icy
11/05/18 Holly Berry Snowflakes Chilly
12/05/18 Holly Noel

At the end of May each project will live in a folder with the ones left over from last March.  I will then work my way through them in order, hopefully finishing one every 3-4 weeks.

Here are the other pieces I have been working on this week.  First up is Just Nan's 12 Days of Christmas
stitched on 32 count Vintage Grain linen

Here is the whole piece so far:

Next up was Just Nan's Diamond Bouquet:

stitched on 28 count Lilac evenweave

I didn't get much done as I was working in the afternoon but I managed most of the bottom row.  Next month I will finish that row and add the beads.  I want it completed before The Longest Day SAL.  News of which will follow in due course.

Finally, a piece which isn't a Just Nan!  This is my bathtime project, the one I stitch while the Small Boy is in the bath.  This is Alice and the Flamingo by Mrs Peggotty's on Etsy:

stitched over 1 on 25 count evenweave

I am about 30 stitches off completing the second page on the second column which will make 9 pages in total plus a good part of a tenth page (the sleeve and flamingo neck going upwards.)  To be on target to finish this year, I need to complete 2 pages per month.


  1. You do well to have so many "starts" on the go at once. I never seem to cope with that. Well done and I look forward to progress reports.

  2. You stitch such beautiful designs and always so neat. Alice and Flamingo is looking lovely too!

  3. There are so many great Just Nan projects! I wish you the best as you work your way through them.

  4. So, 31 new starts this month? Oh my... oh dear.... LOL, that simply does not fit into my little brain! Just kitting everything up would be overwhelming by the time I reached number six or seven. :) Clearly you have an excellent plan, and you always manage so well at rotating your projects that I expect this new batch of JN starts will line themselves up quite nicely as happy dances.

    Five gold rings is very pretty (after partridges in pear trees, the day that always catches my eye), and Alice's flamingo is zooming onto that fabric! Wonderful to catch up on what you've been doing!

  5. 31 new starts dear gravy I would die even if they're small! Monogamous May sounds a bit more up my alley hah. I was totally able to identify each one without looking at your IDing.

    Alice looks great and somewhat like a fancy-backed chair at the moment!

  6. Stitch Maynia's looking good so far. If I didn't know already I'd hazard a guess that you like these small, fairly quick to stitch and very effective Just Nan pieces! :)

  7. Everything is looking great. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Great stitching, Jo.
    You do very well keeping track of all your projects!
    One length of thread a day for each sounds a good way of doing it.
    Thank you for listing them, as I’m not familiar with them.
    Barbara xx

  9. Great idea on the Just Nan. Your stitching is lovely, as always.

  10. Great new starts and progress Jo. I swear I will catch up to you with Alice. Just Nan must be your favorite designer. How many charts do you have from her?


  11. Wow, that's a lot of small starts! I'm amazed you got any stitching in other than that at all.

  12. I'm cheering you on! Unfortunately I did not finish my other commitments in time to participate in Maynia...I guess I am kind of doing Monogamaynia, but since I'm knitting lace, it would make the most boring progress pictures ever!

  13. Thanks for thr list, I for one wouldn‘t have been able to identify your new starts in any way, lol. Seeing all your JN stitching makes me want to do the same just with Prairie Schoolers - but I have to stop thinking about that, lol. I only have capacities for an occasional start ...

  14. What a bundle of JN's to watch grow over the coming weeks/months - how lovely.

  15. Well you are certainly living up to the name of Maynia and I thought I was a lunatic. I bow to my Queen!!! I love 12 days, I squee a little bit on every update. Just love the colours on it. Alice is coming along too. Great job stunner
    xo Alicia


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