
Friday 8 December 2017

Day 8 of the Advent Calendar Blog Hop

Unfortunately the Day 8 Door Host couldn't post on their day, so I am back-filling!

I have a peek of a piece which will hopefully be a December finish:

pa rum pa pum pum!

This is, of course, the final block for Joan Elliott's 12 Days of Christmas which I have been stitching all year!  I have started beading this piece and hopefully will have a finish by the end of the week.

The question I asked everyone for the Blog Hop is "How do you celebrate Boxing Day?" not realising that some countries just don't celebrate it at all.  Come on America, you are seriously missing out on another day off work!  Unless you are one of the unfortunates who draw the short straw and have to go in.  I've avoided it for the last two years as I worked on Christmas Eve instead.

When we were children, Boxing Day was sometimes spent with my Dad's side of the family but most often at my maternal Grandparents' house.  Sometimes this involved a bracing walk along the sea front first but not if I had any say in the matter!  We would often play card games for pennies, provided by my Grandad.  So if he lost, we kept the money, if he won, my Nana would say "share your winnings with the children then".  
Nana was a dreadful cheat too.  We played Newmarket (see here for a description) and she would swear blind she didn't have the Ten of a suit so the run would come to an end.  Then she'd find it in her hand later!  She also accused my Grandad of gloating if he smiled and sulking if he didn't.  Then she'd make him give us kids more pennies if we came close to running out!

As an adult it was a day of peace and quiet, watching a new film on TV, having friends over to play games and drink beer.  After my older son was born I started staying over at my parents for Christmas so we had an extended break, we'd all go out for a Carvery at a local hotel on Boxing Day.  My Mum liked a glass of sherry before the meal, a drink which is going out of fashion as one year the very young waitress looked blank and came back with a wine glass full of sherry!  Mum enjoyed her meal that year and we rolled her home afterwards LOL

Since we moved into a larger house at the same time my parents downsized we have them here on Christmas Day and then spend Boxing Day with my husband's side of the family.  Stitching-wise I shall be doing Day 2 of my next 12 Days project and then my spooky conversion of the Enchanted Alphabet as it is the 26th.  Not very seasonal I know!

Now I have a finish to show you all:

Virgo by Satsuma Street

stitched on 28 count black evenweave

All 12 of the signs are now released and Libra will be the next one to be started.  I love the colours in this one.  The only change I made was to her hair, she was charted as a blonde but I have dark hair.

I've also been making great progress on Dracula's Castle by Dam Good Crafts.  This has been my bath-time project and is coming to work with me for break time stitching.

stitched on 32 count Amorentia Belfast by Chromatic Alchemy

That trellis work was so much fun to stitch, I work it in diagonals and it grew so quickly.  Now I have a lot of straight black rows which are not so much fun.

Finally, a big Thank You to everyone who is taking part in the Advent Calendar Bkog Hop and to those who are following and commenting on the posts.  I hope you find some New To You blogs and continue to follow them into the New Year.


  1. Bellissimi ricami!
    Un caro saluto, Maria

  2. Your memories of Boxing Day made me giggle. Thank you for sharing them with us! We truly are missing out on another day off here on the other side of the pond. Maybe we should move to Merry Ol' England? Your stitching is amazing as always!! I just love the fabric you are using on Dracula's castle! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. Well geez I've been missing out haven't I? I had no idea what boxing day was but I'm glad to know now. Your Nana sounded like a lot of fun to me. Her heart was definitely in the right place.

    Great stitching Jo. I really like your 12 days. Have a super week. RJ

  4. Another enjoyable visit, and lovely pics of your stitching.

  5. I always love to see what you are stitching. Virgo is so colorful and pretty!

  6. Boy did I laugh at your Nana’s antics ..... holding up the game! She wouldn’t have got away with that here! There have been a few keen card players in my family! I too remember playing Newmarket as a child when it was so exciting to win a few pennies here and there! Happy memories!
    Such fun to read about your Christmas, and lovely to see more of your wonderful stitching!
    Barbara xx

  7. The zodiac finish is wonderful!
    We used to play Newmarket as well - it could get quite heated

  8. Your Nana sounds like fun! Happy memories.

  9. Your Grandmother was quite the character!! What lovely memories of your childhood Boxing day. The Satsuma Street stitch is glorious!!! Mary

  10. Wonderful memories with your family, I was always sad that both sides of the family lived in other countries. And your Nana, what a treasure!
    Now that was an awesome glass of sherry, I wonder if I'd be so lucky here?!
    The drummer looks great and such a sweet Virgo, I'm glad you changed her hair.
    The fabric colour for the castle is amazing, I'm looking forward to seeing that finished.
    Happy Christmas and wishing you another fun-filled Boxing Day!

  11. I enjoyed your memories Jo. Virgo is awesome! And so it that fabric for your castle. Just love the colors. ;)

  12. Great post Jo, lovely memories of Christmas and Boxing Day with loved ones. Beautiful colours in the 12 Drummers Drumming and also in the Virgo embroidery although never know how stitchers stitch on black - don´t think I could.

  13. Thanks very much for the fun information Jo. I've enjoyed each day and today is no different. Congrats on your finish and love your other progress.

  14. Beautiful finish! Nice to read about your childhood fun celebrations.

  15. Congrats on the beautiful finish Jo. Love all of your projects.


  16. Hah, your Nana sounds great. I am not a prolific card player so maybe kitty is a term I should know in American terms but what?!? Cheating is an integral part of any game; I've robbed the Monopoly bank before.

    Virgo's is lovely! I like her tiny feet haha.

  17. Hooray for Jo, Keeper of all Bloghops! It was fun to read about your memories, especially the sherry one.
    Virgo looks amazing, and I am very much looking forward to your twelve days finish!

  18. Not long and your 12th Day drummer will be finished. And Virgo is already finished now - she looks gorgeous on the dark fabric.
    So nice to read about your memories of how Boxing Day was spent in your family when you were young. We don't have Boxing Day either but we have two Christmas holidays so the second holiday is some kind of Boxing Day with the difference that all the shops are closed.

  19. Love your Boxing Day stories,the bracing walks were not my most favourite part of the day either!

  20. I love your projects !!!
    Love reading your boxing day memories.

  21. What lovely Boxing Day memories, and a great finish! x

  22. I'm having a blog read catch up (again I hear you say!)
    Love the Virgo finish, so bright and colourful.

  23. Virgo looks gorgeous. I know I could never work on black. My only Satsuma pattern is to be stitched on dark blue but I will do it on white anyway.AriadnefromGreece!


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