
Thursday 21 September 2017

September Theme-tas-Stitch Smalls

Theme-tas-stitch is hosted by Kerry

Each month Kerry gives us a theme to stitch to and we show our progress on the 21st of every month.

September - What is the smallest stitch in your stash?  Show us your smalls!

I'm currently stitching two smallish projects, both Just Nans for the 10-a-day and 30-a-day challenges.

Here is Day 83 of Summer in the Square:

And here is Day 9 of Holly Knot:

Earlier in the month I completed Lacy Diamond for the 30-a-day:

Kerry asked for the smallest item in our stash.  I have a couple of the Just Nan Witchy Mice and the Autumn Mouse in a House on order.

I have stitched a few tiny things in the past:

Mr X-Stitch Mona Lisa - over one on 28 count evenweave

My own design Tiny Mice - over one on 40 count

Christmas Card from WOCS - over one on 40 count

Finally, if you like tiny stitching, check out Janet Granger's website, she currently has 10% off all her dollhouse needlepoint kits - Janet Granger and also look at this tiny cardigan from Althea Crome:


  1. Oh my. I am trying to wrap my brain around those micro knits!!!! wOw!!

  2. All of your finishes are lovely. Congrats on finishing Lacy Diamond; it is beautiful.

  3. Love all your smalls Jo. It's hard to believe that someone can knit all those tiny sweaters. Amazing.


  4. LOL!!! I'm like Vickie...whoa on those micro knits. They are amazing! I love all of your little stitches too. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  5. Great stitching! I very much like the look of Holly Knot.
    Those micro-jumpers are insane!

  6. Lovely smalls and micro stitching! I will check the website for stitching, I was looking for some tiny charts. The micro knits are cool, I have seen micro crochet and amigurumis too. They are done with sewing thread. I plan to make a crochet miniature someday but I guess I will need magnifiers for that.

  7. Wow! Those micro knits are amazing! Your smalls are pretty awesome, too, my dear.

  8. Holy Micro Stitch!! Look at all those lovely smalls!! I love the little mice on 40 over one...I thought I was the only crazy person to stitch on 40 over one...haha Beautiful stitching, I love how you framed Mona Lisa. What a fun blog post!

  9. These Just Nan mice are really tiny from what I can see. And wow, I just can't get it - over one on 40 ct - I think I couldn't do it even with a magnifier. I can't stich over two ! on 40 ct without a magnifier.
    I love your Mona Lisa.
    These micro knits are also for someone with eagle eyes :)

  10. Your x a day projects certainly are tiny, but those mice! So cute.

  11. So tiny. Love your small stitching. Beautiful!

  12. Wow... those tiny pieces are amazing! I don't think I could do them but I admire people that do them!
    Love the Just Nan mouses... one day I will be brave and attempt one! ;o)

  13. I can't believe how tiny those cardies are! Nice to see your Mona Lisa again too.

  14. Oh my gosh, those tiny sweaters are insane! I beaded a tiny sweater once, but that doesn't seem nearly as impressive now.

  15. One of the ladies at our craft group knitted a teeny tiny Frankenstein, i'd never seen anything so small before.

  16. Such tiny work! The Mona Lisa is amazing! x


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