
Saturday 3 June 2017

The Wonderfully Wordy Alphabet World

It's the first Saturday of the month so it's time for detention!

"They only met online, but it changed their lives forever"

I think most of you know the lovely enigmatic Chiara who blogs at The Grey Tail?  We were chatting via email a while back and between us came up with the idea of an A-Z language challenge.  We batted some ideas around and are calling it the The Alphabet Club.  Chiara has the full details on that link but basically she will post a link-up post on the first Saturday of each month (Saturday being detention day in the film) reminding us of the month's letter and we will all link up with themed things, from stitching to designers and local customs.

Our first W from A Dark Alphabet is a Wyvern.  I loved the effect of the variegated thread I used for him.  A Note of Friendship explains that a Wyvern is a dragon with only two front legs and a barbed tail.

The next W is for Wool from The Stitcher's Alphabet by Brooke's Books:

I have completed another page in my Alphabet Book, here are the four most recent blocks:

stitched on 28 count afghan fabric

W is for one of my favourite themes - Witches!  Trixie Witch from Brooke's Books is in the centre but if you want to know any more about any of the others, please ask.

W is also for Wizard:

Joan Elliott - Wizard from A Year of Magical Stitching

W is for Weddings, one of the perfect occasions to stitch a sampler for.  This is one of my favourites:

W is for Winter - a wonderful time to stitch when it's cold outside and a wonderful theme to stitch with icy blues and snowy whites.

Which designers begin with W?  With Thy Needle is one and they have a series called Wordplay:

Who is in my Blog Roll to represent W?

That last link is to Measi's Musings, the hostess of one of the longest running SALs that I take part in.  Originally set up in 2012 to ensure the End of The World saw us all with zero outstanding projects, we have successfully stopped the Apocalypse by refusing to complete all our WIPs!  The world cannot end while there is still stitching to be done.

Finally, I realised that I missed a very important link in my last Alphabet Club post for V -

If you have never heard of Dana and her Viewer, do check out this link but be prepared to lose many hours.  Dana set up the Viewer primarily for Mirabilia designs, as far as I know.  You can choose a design and choose different fabrics to see which ones look best.  Since the early days she has expanded to include a wide range of fabric dyers and other designers too.  There are currently 13 different designers (plus 4 incarnations of Nora Corbett!) and 18 different fabric suppliers.

What is most incredible about the site is that Dana does this for free, voluntarily.  Although I do believe she is looking into monetising the website in some way in the future.  She's doing market research on the FB page.


  1. What whizztastic wonderful worlds wowing we wee watchers. :)

  2. Jo, did you stitch all of these??? I love the addition of the beads to the sheep, such a great texture. Learned something new here today, never heard or knew what a Wyvern is, very interesting!! I love the Word Plays and have done a few myself. Great post!! Mary

  3. So much Wonderful stitching! All those winter finishes and I love you witches.The JE Wizard is gorgeous.

  4. What a wonderful wander through W wonderland. Love the W of the Brookes Book square and a wicked coven of witches there too!

  5. Your collection of W's is wonderful! I have to say I especially love the wedding sampler.

  6. Oh I love all of the pieces you have stitched Jo. I need to get back to stitching some of the gazillion smalls I have started.


  7. Would love to w-up my comment but don't have that much brain today (and others have already done such a delightful job of it!).

    What an incredible outpouring of W-ish stitchery! The wonderful wooly sheep is delightful (what're those three things above him? ... oh!! *three bags full* ha!), and all your witchy stitchy bits are such fun - love the little kitty, so cute. And the collection of wintery things as well - just lovely.

  8. Lovely stitching, as always. I reall must start my own dark sampler. I assume you've seen this design?

  9. W is fantastic!! I love all the pictures of the witch designs!! I'm thinking of beginning my Halloween stitching very soon.

  10. Oh, I love the W for Wool block - so cute - and look how many W stitching pieces you have - just amazing! My favourite this month is the Winter Typography!

  11. Love your dragon! The colour is gorgeous!
    Your collection of witches are really great!
    Beautiful Winter stitching!!

  12. Wow I love your stitching so much
    Sending you hugs and smiles x

  13. Wohoo I think I'm caught up. What a wonderful post to see too.

  14. Wow! So many beautiful pieces!

  15. Well done! I love the W for wool, so lovely sheep, the Alphabet book will be fantastic. Great fan too of the Wordplay, I'd like to stitch some design with words or a text one day. Of course, witches are excellent, the funny one are my favorite. xxx

  16. Wonderfully wicked witches!

  17. Great W post. Nice coven of witches you have. Cute sheepie on the Brookes Books too.

  18. So many great Ws. Love your Wizard - well I guess I would say I stopped at his picture the longest.

  19. A wonderful W post, Jo. And now I know the English word for what we call a "Lindwurm", a wyvern.
    I was expecting the witches, of course, as you are so well known for them :)

  20. I always learn something new from these Alphabet posts. The new page in the Brooks Books is lovely.
    Great stitching all around.

  21. What a Wonderful post! I love all your Witches and Wizards.

  22. Wow what a wickedly wonderful world of W stitching. It was woefully unworkable to choose a winner however the witches are world class. The winter wad of stitches are to be wreathed in worshipful praise as well.

    Not my best work but it's fun. I'm sad we are getting to the end of the alphabet
    xo Alicia

  23. Wonderful witches and wise wizard! Also love the wyvern, thanks for the explanation. I am always curious about magical creatures!

  24. Jo, what a delightful group of W stitches. You have a beautiful collection witches. Love the wooly sheep and the addition of beads...makes a statement. I have all the word plays done but one right now. I enjoyed stitching them. Have a great week. RJ

  25. Lovely W stitches! That little sheep is super cute (but you knew I was going to say that, right?) :D


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