
Saturday 6 May 2017

The Vastly Valued and Valiant Alphabet Venture

It's the first Saturday of the month so it's time for detention!

"They only met online, but it changed their lives forever"

I think most of you know the lovely enigmatic Chiara who blogs at The Grey Tail?  We were chatting via email a while back and between us came up with the idea of an A-Z language challenge.  We batted some ideas around and are calling it the The Alphabet Club.  Chiara has the full details on that link but basically she will post a link-up post on the first Saturday of each month (Saturday being detention day in the film) reminding us of the month's letter and we will all link up with themed things, from stitching to designers and local customs.

Do you do voodoo?  There are times when we all want to stick pins in an effigy of some politician or other!  Cross stitch is for when you want to stab something 10,000 times.  Without getting arrested.

(Side note - Getting arrested seems to be a theme with bloggers just recently.  First of all Gaynor was arrested in January, then Jeremiah was charged with chicken rustling and even sweet little Nathan spent some time behind bars.  Thankfully they were all found innocent and released without charge!  Other than a great photo opportunity.)

Anyway, the voodoo block is from A Dark Alphabet by A Note of Friendship.

V is also for Variegated Thread, Valentines and Violets, all of which feature in this month's block from Brooke's Books' Stitcher's Alphabet.

stitched on 28 count afghan 

I already showed my collection of Valentine Hearts for H and we have the Valentine's Blog Hop each year too.

Here's a collage of Valentines from my Secret Stitching Sweethearts this year:

Variegated threads are wonderful to use.  They are a great way of adding texture to a plain block of stitching if you use a tonal thread or you can add multicolours without changing thread every 10 stitches.  I used variegated threads quite a lot in A Dark Alphabet, Kelpie being particularly effective:

I also used them in CCN's Cherry Hill to produce a variety of greens:

They work well for lettering and borders too.

I have only completed one design for V, the Victorian Doll's House in 2010:

For designers I have a trio of spooky finishes from Val's Stuff:

This sweet freebie from Vavi

I also have three samplers from Victoria Sampler in my stash which I do hope to add to the rotation one day.

My blog roll is very slim again but luckily Veronica blogged recently:

Finally I have been asked what will happen when we reach Z?  Do not panic, for I have a cunning plan!  I won't be starting again at A just yet but I do have plans for another series of posts and will announce all in the final Alphabet Club Z post.


  1. Very vivacious V post! You even included my favorite v...the violet! I think I will have to join in the fun when you begin with the letter A! Your blog posts are just too much fun!!!

  2. Love the V from Brookes Books. I've loved the series so I'm thinking of stitching them next year. looking forward to seeing what you have in store for your next sal. I absolutely love variegated threads. There are so many beautiful colours out there.

  3. The Victorian Dollhouse is gorgeous Jo. Another great alphabet post.


  4. This is a very creative "V" post. I enjoyed looking at all the pretty little stitches. I may have to go back and look at more of the alphabet posts.

  5. Such beautiful stitches Jo. You are so busy but having so much fun. RJ

  6. I enjoyed your V post,especially the inclusion of variegated threads.I love stitching with them:)

  7. I do love variegated threads, they add such life and movement to a piece. You should break out your Victoria sampler projects, she uses loads of interesting stitches.
    So, something after Z? I'm going to guess it'll be numbers

  8. Beautiful seeing all these lovely pieces!

  9. My favorite of all your V's is the Victorian Doll House. I really do love Doll Houses and that voodoo doll is pretty cool. So happy you have another plan in the works. I have really enjoyed the Alphabet Clu

  10. Beautiful stitching pieces !! I haven't used variegated threads in cross stitch for the past few years.

  11. Another fun alphabet post. I love variegated threads. When I first discovered them, I went on a small spending spree.

  12. Another great post - how clever to use our Valentine's entries, and I adore the Brooke's Books alphabet letter for this month.

  13. Beautiful stitching my dear x

  14. Luckily for us, you always have a cunning plan - lol! Great "V" post, with lots of lovely stitching on display. I must say that I use variegated thread a lot in my stitching these days.

  15. Oh, how I would love to see more of the afghan!! Love the violets on it...Fun post!!! Mary

  16. Such a gorgeous display of v items. I love them all and it much bring much pleasure to see them all.

  17. Love that beautiful Victorian Doll´s house, design, great work.

  18. What a great alphabet post! your doll house stitching looks amazing!

  19. The voodoo and the kelpie are cute and the Victorian dollhouse is amazing! Very impressive piece.

  20. Very interesting to read about all the "V" themed stitching items, Jo! It will be interesting to hear your next plan for the post-Z club :)

  21. Excellent V stitching! I'm loving the Stitcher's Alphabet - the blocks are so pretty :D

  22. "Variated threads are wonderful to use" will become my next autosuggestion sentence.
    Of course Victorian house is amazing but the Halloween trio is so cute! xxx

  23. You do love to entice us with your next plan ..... will wait with baited breath as to your next venture.
    Sweet Victorian House.

  24. What a really great post, and loads of lovely stitching. I do think my favourite has to be the Victorian House x

  25. I love all your V's, cute idea with the valentines!

  26. I'm so completely behind with blog reading and commenting - there are 200+ blog posts in my reader and there is no way that I can comment on them all. But I just wanted to do it on your Alphabet Club post. Just because I love it. Not easy to find lots of items for V. But I love all your Valentines - and you definitely have lots of them to show. The Victorian Doll's House is amazing.


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