
Thursday 25 May 2017

The Sweetest TUSAL of Them All

is a Happy Dance TUSAL!


It's TUSAL time, the Totally Useless SAL where we all show our ORTS and link-up on Daffycat's blog.

Here is my TUSAL with the current project:

You see all the yellow on top?  That came from these:

You really can't stitch down to the last mm with French Knots, can you?  So if I'm stitching French Knots that can only mean one thing - 

A Happy Waggle Dance for Gathering Honey by Jannlynn Designs!  This kit was a gift to me from a friend who used to cross stitch.  When she stopped stitching she passed me some of her stash and asked me to stitch this for her in exchange.

I started back in August 2013 - Every-bee-that-ever-wuz

Continued in March 2014 - Theme-licious-march-update

Took it on holiday during August 2014 - RIP-socal-debbie

It fell fallow until August 2016 when I did an entire 2 weeks on it - Summer-pie-and-round-up-of-month

Then it became my focus piece for April 2017 - Aprils-tusal-is-brought-to-you-by-letter

And for May too!

This was not an easy project to stitch, the fabric had a very canvas-like feel to it and was a very open weave.  I will have to go round and trim all the visible ends before framing.  The threads were great, DMC numbers given so hopefully I can use the leftovers.  Of which there are a LOT.  Except for two colours which I ran out of.

The backstitch instructions were not easy to follow.  They insisted on referring to the flowers by name not place on the chart.  The honeycomb was my favourite part, so quick to stitch and so effective!  The crazy paving was fun too.

I finished the French Knots this afternoon and thought I'd stitch something light and easy as a palate cleanser before continuing with my rotation.

stitched on 32 count pink linen

This is Just Nan's Memories which was a gift from Vickie, hence the pink linen!  I stitched the pink flowers today.  Aren't they pretty?  And easy and simple and fun!  This is going to be a long, thin piece with 12 bands so I planned to stitch one band per month but I think it will be done much quicker than that somehow!

Finally, I have nearly reached the end of the metallic on Joan Elliott's 12 Days of Christmas!  I feel like I have been stitching metallic border for months and months.  According the photographic evidence - since January 2017!  So yes literally for months!  I have about 2-3 lengths of metallic left by my reckoning so you'll see it glitter when I show June's block.


  1. I really like this piece. You have a little of everything in it. Congrats on the finish!

  2. I like SAL!
    Bees, hives, flowers - all this is typical in May!
    I would like this design for my husband - the beekeeper :-)

  3. Oh my Jo, this garden stitch is gorgeous!!! Your friends is going to be so excited when she gets it. It is a treasure and I'm sure she will be amazed at all of the hard work that went into it. She is a lucky girl.

    I love the little chart that Vickie sent you. How appropriate that you are stitching it on pink fabric. I'm new in blogland but I have picked up on that fact. I like your way of thinking about going to something small an quick after that garden endeavor. Great stitching as always. Have a great weekend. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever2

  4. What a beautiful piece! Your stitching is gorgeous!

  5. This is such a gorgeous, gorgeous finish, Jo - so beautiful - I can just see you waggle dancing around the house with the Big Boy and Little Boy in tow!

  6. Gathering Honey is finished - woohoo! It's beautiful! Guess that should be bee-tiful, right? ;)

  7. Oh wow!!! That is so amazing and what a relief it must be to finish. Your friend will be so happy! Nice palate cleanser start too. :)

  8. Congrats on the gorgeous finish!! :)That was indeed a complicated project the way you mentioned the instructions for backstitching etc. I love the designs on all four edges more than the one in centre.
    The mini stitching is cute as well. So are you back to Halloween and Nora Corbett stitching now? :)

  9. che giardino meraviglioso, brava!

  10. Woo hoo! Congratulations on Gathering Honey! I am waggle dancing. (I think I would fall down with too much round dancing.) 😍Love the JN Memories of course!

  11. JO, the garden stitch is stunning!!! I would love to find more pieces that use embroidery stitches with cross stitch.Love the little bees in the honeycomb. Your friend must be extra special to receive such a gift. I can see why you wanted to work on a small stitch after this labor of love. Mary@stitchingfriendsforever

  12. Wow the garden stitch is so beautiful I love it so much
    Sending you smiles x

  13. What a beautiful finish! It's gorgeous and you know that all your hard work will be appreciated as it's going to a stitcher. Love your new start too, pretty colours :)

  14. The piece looks amazing and the message is so nice. Love the little bees in the corners! Beautiful piece Jo.

  15. Congrats, Jo! What a beautiful piece!! I really like these yellow flowers, the honeycomb and the bees!!
    Love the pink fabric for the Just Nan piece!

    Happy weekend!

  16. Congrats!!! What a beautiful finish and I do love the Honey Comb. It is just an amazing project. Congrats Again for finishing the metallics With these two finishes, I would be happy dancing for days!

  17. I am sad and happy to see this one completed,I have really enjoyed your progress reports.It is a beautiful piece of work.Congratulations :)

  18. Gathering Honey is marvelous! Congratulations! Your new start looks lovely as well. I think I need to check out Just Nan.

  19. Yay, Happy dance. It is such a lovely piece, I love the honeycomb border. The just nan piece is very pretty - so delicate.

  20. It looks fabulous Jo, the honeycomb border really brings the whole thing together.
    Great new start too

  21. Stunning finish Jo, so many lovely things about it.
    Nice new JN start.

  22. A beautiful stitchery and I love the saying! Happy finish to you!!

  23. Ohhhhh, such a wonderful piece. I loved it from the beginning and was following its growth and progress. It just looks gorgeous. Congratulations!
    Great new JN start.

  24. I wasn't so sure about Gathering Honey when it was just the center block - it was pretty, but just not entirely my cup of tea. Then you added the flower corners, and the honey combs, and now that it is finished I just LOVE it! What a gorgeous piece, and what an amazing journey from start to finish. Well done!

  25. Congratulations on finishing up Gathering Honey! I've always admired that one and now I admire you for persevering for so long to finally finish it!

  26. Woohoo! Congratulations on the finish! It must feel amazing to finish it after so long. It's so, so, so pretty! :D

  27. Big congratulations on finishing such a beautiful design specially with no so clear instructions. The honeycomb is my fav part too. Your friend will be so happy to receive it.

  28. Wohoo caught up enough to see your happy dance. Love this piece. Great job! Major Congrats!!

  29. Congrats, this garden is really nice, it must have been very pleasant to stitch with all the different parts to do : the plantations, flowers, paved paths, honeycomb... (hope your fingers were not to sticky!). Beesous (bisous- kiss).

  30. Oh no it's finished!! I'm going to miss seeing it in your posts. I love Gathering Honey. It's got everything in it. The bees look so lifelike. It looks like they truly alighted on the honeycomb fence. I love absolutely everything about this design. What a lucky friend you have that is going to receive this. She will surely treasure it forever.
    xo Alicia


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