
Monday 15 May 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness May Link-Up Post

2017 GG

Welcome to the May link-up for Gifted Gorgeousness.  The linky will stay open until the end of the month so you have plenty of time to join in.

I made good progress on Oberlin Samplers' Witches, a gift from Barb:

Steady progress on Joan Elliott's 12 Days of Christmas, a gift from my MIL:

A new start with a chart I won from Carol of Stitching Dreams.  This is Nora Corbett's Gathering Eggs:
stitched on 35 count Country Mocha linen

Another new start, another giveaway, this time from Vickie of A Stitcher's Story, Just Nan's Memories band sampler:

stitched on 32 count pink linen (what else for Vickie?)

My focus piece for the month is Gathering Honey by Jannlynn Designs once again.  This was a gift from a friend and the finished piece will be gifted back to her.

I've been focusing on the final corner, the bottom right this week, it seems much quicker than the top left corner was.

I owe a couple of people gifts, people who won giveaways.  Once I get paid this week I will sort those out.  Stitch from Stash is very much a necessity here this year!

I did receive some gifts myself.  The lovely Nora Corbett chart from Carol, a chart from DJ which I had admired on her blog and a great RAK from Angela, all the way from Singapore.

And now it's over to you.  This is where you link up your post for this month.  Please use your name or your blog name in the field and NOT the words "May Update" so I can easily see who has linked up this month.  And link to the actual post, not just your blog.  It is easier if you copy and paste the link, rather than typing freehand.



Finally, I do hope that you are remembering to visit the Blogger of the Week blog each Friday to see who our featured stitcher of the week is.  Clue for this week - Pink Poodles!


  1. Aww, I love that you are stitching the Just Nan on pink linen for me.♥
    Your clue for this week made me laugh out loud. :D HA!

  2. Wow I love your stitching so much
    Big hugs x

  3. Everything looks so lovely Jo, always something nice to see when we visit here and lots of progress too.
    My GG post is up.

  4. I love the Gathering Honey piece. I need to resist temptation!

  5. Lovely work Jo. Gathering honey is coming on so well.

  6. Great progress as always Jo. Love your new starts.


  7. You have been busy like a worker bee, Gathering honey is becoming so nice. xxx

  8. My two favourites are featured,lovely progress on 12 Days and Gathering Honey.

  9. Everything looks great. Very nice starts and progress. Love the little moon in the witches piece.

  10. Love all of this! And glad the corner is going faster for you on the bees one.

  11. That is such a beautiful piece. How very generous of you to give it away!! I'm so glad you are able to see that chart. It is so old. I love the the 12 days of Christmas project! It is such a delicate and pretty version of that theme.

  12. Goodness, Jo....your stitching is lovely! Gathering Honey is looking so good! The Witches is just too cute! And great progress on the 12 Days of Christmas! Your other pieces are lovely too! Thanks again for organizing this challenge!

  13. Great progress on all the projects Jo

  14. I just love the 12 Days. It is coming along beautifully. I do enjoy watching your progress on all your projects. Such pretty fabrics and floss colours.

  15. Such lovely stitching updates, as always x

  16. Just beautiful!!! I continue to love all the projects you have going. You are doing such a wonderful job on all of them. I enjoy seeing the progress of you many projects. Happy stitching. RJ @ stitching friends forever 2

  17. Lovely stitching, Jo, I really like Gathering Eggs - so cute.

  18. Great progress and lovely new starts! That last corner really seems to be going fast.

  19. I love all your pieces! I can't wait to see the progress!

  20. Good progress on all your pieces, Jo. You received two lovely gifts as well.

  21. Beautiful stitching! Nice start on Memories band sampler, love the fabric|

  22. Great progress on all! You are having lot of creative fun with gifts.

  23. Love your new starts and lovely progress on 12 days and Witches. Absolutely love the fabric for your witches project. It's perfect. Gathering Honey, wow now that piece just amazes me everytime I see it. Love every detail
    xo Alicia

  24. Great work on all your projects. The twelve days of Christmas is really coming together. I am amazed at how much change each project has with just a couple of days work on them.

  25. All wonderful progress, you certainly know how to keep busy!

  26. Gorgeous gifted stitching! I'm a little late again, but I've just linked up :D

  27. All of your projects are looking lovely. Gathering Honey is coming right along ... I really must pull mine out soon and work on it.

  28. Love your progress on your GG pieces :) your new starts are all gorgeous but my favourite besides gathering eggs is the gathering honey (do I notice a theme?) I just love how that piece is growing :)
    I have linked up for this month :)
    Hugs x

  29. As always, wonderful, beautiful stitching.

  30. Honey sampler is really coming along, such a gorgeous piece. Your friend will treasure it. Also, great start on Gathering Eggs, that egg basket is perfectly darling!

  31. Great progress on your GG pieces. And I always love to see Gathering Honey come out and getting stitched on. It's my favorite among your WIPs.

  32. Jo, RJ and I are going to have to take part in this fun SAL, she has gifted me with so many patterns and kits. You have made great progress on all your stitches, I can't wait to see the Mary Corbett finished, the egg basket is darling! Your 12 days of Christmas is coming along wonderfully too...Mary

  33. Love the gorgeous work on Gathering Honey.

  34. Gathering honey is looking great! Both the new starts are really pretty.
    You are working on so many lovely projects.
    Phew, linked up at last! Off to visit now!
    Barbara x

  35. Wonderful GG stitching Jo. I'm in love with Gathering honey so much that I'm thinking of adding to my wishlist. 12 days of Christmas is coming along well.
    I have now linked up my post.


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