
Saturday 1 April 2017

The Uplifting and Useful Alphabet Unit

It's the first Saturday of the month so it's time for detention!

"They only met online, but it changed their lives forever"

I think most of you know the lovely enigmatic Chiara who blogs at The Grey Tail?  We were chatting via email a while back and between us came up with the idea of an A-Z language challenge.  We batted some ideas around and are calling it the The Alphabet Club.  Chiara has the full details on that link but basically she will post a link-up post on the first Saturday of each month (Saturday being detention day in the film) reminding us of the month's letter and we will all link up with themed things, from stitching to designers and local customs.

This was one of my favourite blocks from the Dark Alphabet SAL - Urmahlullu, the well known Mesopotamian Protector of the Toilet.  Half Lion, Half Centaur, and the colour of an Andrex Puppy.  You can read more about him on A Note of Friendship.

The first Saturday of this month is as early as it can be so I haven't quite finished stitching the block on Brooke's Books' Stitcher's Alphabet, which is quite appropriate in a way because it is U is for Unfinished Object!

stitched on 28 count afghan

It's a full coverage block as there's quite a bit to go too.

What other UFOs have I got?  Depends on your definition of UFO really!  I define it as something which has not been actively stitched since the beginning of the previous year.  So anything which hasn't been stitched since the end of 2015.  Now, I did the Longest Day Marathon last year so everything got a little attention!  These are the ten projects which I am counting as UFOs as I have no plans to stitch on them this year and they only got that one day last year!

You can find all the information about each project on The Longest Day post.

U is for Unicorns and I have stitched two.  The first was a Teresa Wentzler unicorn from The Fantasy Sampler.  I stitched the four corner motifs separately, on aida!  With all those fractional stitches too.

I also stitched a Joan Elliott unicorn for a Round Robin back in 2012:

I do have quite a few unicorns in my stash, all in books.

Top left - Julie Hasler
Top right - Julie Hasler
Bottom left - Joan Elliott
Centre - Lesley Teare
Bottom right - Joan Elliott

I don't have any U designers in my stash and there is really only one well-know one; Ursula Michael.  She is well-known for her typography designs, this one is Wicked!

The blog roll is a real challenge this month!  Lee's blog is a bit of a stretch:

and she has a YouTube channel

I could shoehorn U-tube but I'm saving that for Y.


Finally, I hope that you enjoyed the double helping of interviews on the Blogger of the Week blog.  If you would like to be featured or if you can think of anyone you'd like to see, please email me.


  1. Great "U" post, Jo, so great to see the projects from The Longest Day last year. (Also, I am still writing my opus for the Blogger of the Week - I haven't been on the computer much as my poor Dear Dad is in hospital at the moment - poor love - so that has been taking up quite a bit of time, so sorry!)

  2. Jo: Oh my goodness you are one busy lady.
    Love the U designs, that half lion half man is amazing.


  3. Unicorns are understandably the most unique and uncommonly beautiful of the mystical beings. Their majesty is uncommon and universal.

    U was very hard!!
    xo Alicia

  4. Ultra fantastic post. I giggled at the UFO block being unfinished. How perfect haha.

  5. You have got lots of UFOs and unicorns ! Maybe you need to come up with a new term for neglected UFOs. I can't dream of dealing with so many projects.

  6. Love all those unicorns, my favorite is Joan Elliot. Glad you post about UFO without inhibition, make me feel better now, thank you. xxx

  7. Great post for U. I'm looking forward to the longest day stitchathon again this year. Joan Elliot creates some beautiful unicorns.

  8. So.. tell us... how many projects do you have started and not finished yet? before and after 2015! ahahahahahhahaah You have lots on your hands! heeheheh :D

  9. Loved your "U" post!! And your unicorns--so pretty :) Lots more just waiting to be stitched, too.

    Hope your spring is going well :)

  10. Some nice UFO's in that collage. I've not seen the Round the World on anyones blog for such a long time, there must be lot of those in drawers.

  11. All those poor UFO's languishing away...
    Hah, I wouldn't dare show all mine, I've got tons of them

  12. Great themes for the letter U. UFO of course, unicorn is unique for me because I have never stitched one. I'm not really into fantasy themes but there are exceptions. And I always love to see stitched dragons and other stitched fantasy themes.
    I'm still struggling with my U post, and the problem is my German sweet treat, lol. Nearly impossible to find one :(

  13. Who knew there were so many U's? You've done a great job of spotlighting them. I do love that half finished tree with the orange blossoms (leaves?). Wait, Urmahlullu is well known? lol

  14. U already - how will I ever catch up? On second thought, I don't think I am *that* far behind anymore, so maybe I can! Great post, of course their had to be unicorns, and of course some of them had to be JE!
    My favourite U designer is Jody from Unconventional X Stitch, but I'm not sure if her designs fit in with what you like to stitch.

  15. Just found your posts and I have just started blogging so everything is new to me but I will hopefully get the hang of things as I go along. UFO's and many new ones I want to start just keep getting sucked in by new designs whoops. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs. Great stitching

  16. Ooohhh, look at all those unicorns! So lovely. Great U stitching, Jo! :D

  17. Great U post! I have so many UFO's.

  18. lovely collection of unicorns. I like the Joan Elliott piece you stitched.


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