
Friday 24 February 2017

February Smalls SAL

Stitching Lotus Ornament SAL

The Smalls SAL is hosted by Stitching Lotus

This year I will be showing both my Hallowe'en and Christmas SAL partworks as well as any actual smalls I stitch.

Hallowe'en is Happy Hallowe'en by Imaginating and this month I stitched  a tipsy witch!

stitched on 32 count Lime Green Murano

For Christmas I am stitched Joan Elliott's 12 Days of Christmas and this month I stitched two loved-up turtle doves:

I also stitched a small seasonal freebie which I made into a cube finish for Valentine's Day:

Tiny Heart by Amint Kipatten

Finally, some small daily stitching - my Ten-a-day project.  Now in it's 55th day:

Just Nan - Spring in the Square


  1. Turtle doves look lovely Jo and the witch is a lot of fun.

  2. Loving the ribbon work on the heart, Jo and your ten a day is coming along beautifully!

  3. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I love your WIP. Your turtle doves are so pretty as well as your Valentine's finish.

  4. Lots of wonderful smalls. I especially love that little witch!

  5. Lovely stitching Jo, I like the tipsy witch :-)

  6. Cute finish Jo. I started that Halloween chart a few years ago.


  7. Lovely stitching. I like the Just Nan piece more and more.

  8. All your projects are lovely !!

  9. Wonderful stitching. Turtle doves are beautiful!

  10. They look wonderful. I started a new one aswell but it's a big one

  11. Lovely stitching, Jo! I especially love the tipsy witch and your heart cube!
    Barbara x

  12. Wow, these are a lot of smalls, Jo. The little witch is so sweet, I love her.

  13. Love the tipsy witch - looks like someone has had too much pumpkin schnapps!

  14. How can you not love a tipsy witch. I do hope she is grounded and not getting back up on that broom. I think I mentioned this before, but I do love that heart and you know I am so not a heart person.

  15. Everything looks fantastic. Love the tipsy witch.

  16. They all look lovely, the tipsy witch made me smile.

  17. I love those turtle doves, I can hear them coo. And you added an adjective to my vocabulary : tipsy, love it! But where is the empty bottle on the floor?

  18. That witch knows how to have some fun ;) hehehe Looks so cool :D

  19. LOL Tipsy witch is almost like a selfie for me, except for the red hair. Love her!!Beautiful pair of Turtle doves too.
    xo Alicia

  20. Great stitching I definitely feel tipsy witch's pain...or pleasure I guess it'd be!


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