
Tuesday 29 November 2016

November TUSAL


It's TUSAL time again!  For those of you new to blogging, the TUSAL is a project run by Daffycat, click on the button on the right hand bar for more details.

Here is my ORTS jar posing with the current stitching projects:

On the left is Brooke's Books' Stitcher's Alphabet which you'll see in more detail on Saturday for The Alphabet Club.  On the right is Fox Forest by The Workbasket.  Here's a close-up:

stitched on 32count light khaki linen

I'm really enjoying this project.  Not too many colours and I usually stitch just one colour per evening.  I like the pear tree I have just finished, I'll be doing the trunk tonight.

I completed another Christmas Cube this weekend, we have Christ now:

I have emailed all the participants of the Advent Calendar Blog Hop, so if you haven't had an email, please get in touch!  The master post with all the doors will go up on 1st December with links to everyone's blogs ready and waiting for each door to open.

Advent Calendar Blog Hop

Finally, I've been spending some time thinking about next year; goals, rotations, SALs and projects.  Making lists and checking them twice!  How about you?  Are you ready or do you prefer to make it up as you go along?  I do hope you'll be taking part in GG or in one of my blog hops anyway!


  1. Beautiful projects with your ORTs. Your Christmas blocks are just GORGEOUS! Love the way they are turning out. Yes I start to get excited about next year's plans. I know I'm doing the Crazy January new start challenge. But I always keep my eyes out for new things to join too. I always enjoy your blog hops!!

  2. Nice progress and the cubes finishes are beautiful. One day I have a plan for next year and the next day it changes. lol Hope to do better with GG next year.


  3. Fox Forest is delightful! The Christmas blocks are beautiful.

  4. Nice progress on the Fox piece and I do love the way the cubes look.

    I've actually found patterns for the Christmas SAL for next year and I do plan on joining several of your blog hops. A have a couple of new starts planned, but I must get back to my WIPs - I would love to finish 3.

  5. The fox forest is lovely!
    Blocks are looking good so far, if a little disrespectful.
    Many years ago, in the early days of PCs, I worked for a company that had just installed a new rinky dinky computer system. They thought it would be a bright idea for the system to greet you by name when you logged on. Unfortunately they only gave it 6 character fields, so guess how it greeted me...

  6. Nice Progress on the fox piece. I still love the pretty pincushion. Looks like your cubes will be ready for Xmas. I'm not a goals person still I made a craft goal list in 2016. Not sure how many I achieved .
    I will be joining the GG SAL for sure and I'm thinking of a new year new start as I only have one WIP now. Have joined 2 more SALs on stitch maynia group but I'm not going to stress about it.

  7. Your cubes look great! Nice work on the rest as well, and yes, definitely thinking of 2017 plans as well. :)

  8. Great progress! You jar is getting really nice and full, and I still love those cube finishes.

  9. The Christmas cubes are beautiful, and the fox sampler is looking great.

    Next year? Thinking I'll start a medium sized piece and an ornie or two, and I'd *really* like to take several days at the sewing machine and make the stack of stitched ornaments into things I could hang on the tree, lol

  10. Lovely stitching progress! Your Christmas Cubes look amazing :D

  11. Lovely progress I love your Christmas cubes!


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