
Saturday 1 October 2016

The Outstandingly Opulent Alphabet Organisation and Added TUSAL ORTs

It's the first Saturday of the month so it's time for detention!

"They only met online, but it changed their lives forever"

I think most of you know the lovely enigmatic Chiara who blogs at The Grey Tail?  We were chatting via email a while back and between us came up with the idea of an A-Z language challenge.  We batted some ideas around and are calling it the The Alphabet Club.  Chiara has the full details on that link but basically she will post a link-up post on the first Saturday of each month (Saturday being detention day in the film) reminding us of the month's letter and we will all link up with themed things, from stitching to designers and local customs.

O is for Occult from A Dark Alphabet designed by Julie and Becky's Note of Friendship blog.  Those are Octagon stitches there.  I will be covering the Occult side of the Alphabet Club for the Hallowe'en Ornie entry.

O is also for Over-dyed thread as shown in the Brooke's Book's Stitcher's Alphabet piece I am stitching for the Alphabet Club SAL:

I am stitching this on a 28 count afghan fabric in blocks of four to make a little soft book at the end.  Here's the latest page finish:

I do use over-dyed threads but I tend to call them "variegated" threads so I'll save that one for "V".

O is for Owls, here are some cute ones and one BAP:

Left - Cross Stitcher magazine, Blackberry Lane, Jacquie,
Centre - June Rose
Right - Knotted Tree NeedleArt, Blue Ribbon Designs, Blackbird Designs

O is for Orange, a great colour for a fabric, especially for Hallowe'en designs:

I don't have anything for designers beginning with O but I do have one in my stash from "Xs and Ohs" in collaboration with Dragon Dreams so I'm counting that one.

There are a few SALs with Ornament in the title:

(this started out as the Ornament SAL so that's how I label it to keep all the posts together)

On to the Blog Roll:

(which is one of my favourite words as well as blogs!)

Finally that last blog brings me nicely to another O and another SAL or TU-SAL to be correct!  It's time to show your ORTs to Daffycat!

New start - Ghastly, Ghostly Ghouls by Just Nan


  1. Gracious, that's a lot of finishes! I love that BAP owl piece. Very nice!

  2. Lovely selection of owl projects and don't the Halloween ones looks great all together. The 'L M N O' page is delightful, the little tape measure is adorable

  3. Overflowing obviously ornamental objects! That's it - all my brain can come up with. Love the Occult pattern and the O for the Stitcher's Alphabet. Nice variety of owls and other projects. Thanks for another great post.

  4. Enjoyed your O post - how fun! (and thanks for the callout!)

    Enjoyed seeing your letters, and love the little mouse on the M block. Liked the Halloween stuff too. Your JN piece is going to be so cute.

    What a great jar (bottle?) of orts - so many!!

  5. Orange is my favorite color - This post has lots of ORANGE. Thank you for sharing all your Os

  6. Oh, I love Miss Crystal behind her sphere for Occult. And Owls and Orange are such great ideas. Your Orange mosaic looks gorgeous. I have to see if I can find a piece of Orange fabric in my stash and stitch something Halloween-ish on it. Great O post, Jo.
    I'm so behind with my letters due to some unforeseen circumstances but this month I hope to catch up on them. Maybe, lol.

  7. Hi you have included here two of my favourite things....alphabets and owls. What a clever idea to stitch through the alphabet. Such a lovely array of lovely stitched items. You have busy clever fingers!

  8. Owls. Right. Don't get me started.
    The orange collection looks stunning

  9. Jo: Your ort jar its getting full.
    Love your Halloween stitching, I am a big fan of Halloween.
    Your O is for Occult is so sweet, love it.


  10. Lovely O post. The adorable owls take center stage, oh my you got quite a collection! Love the Orange too!

  11. Wonderful "O" post, I love all of your stitching, as always. We have had an owl visiting our back yard these past few months - so cool - I think it is here hunting the bat that we also have in our back yard at the moment - very Halloweeny!

  12. Oh, Oh, Oh, what a great post! Your orange fabrics are fantastic, B'B stitchers alph too (should save the N for needle for an initial name project). Wish your fortune teller tells me that I'll make great progress on my stitching in the futur, lovely design! xxx

  13. Outstanding obligate oration! Although technically it wasn't aloud, but trying to make the 'o' fit. :) Lovely post on all your excellent projects!

  14. Orange fabric! I think it is the only truly acceptable fabric for Halloween stitches unless one wants to blind themselves with black. And I spy a Witchy Kitty. Reminds me I need to do another of those stitches, hmm.

    Great owls! I recall the Jacquie design; that was a wonderful floss for the moon~

  15. WOW! You found a lot of things for this month! Love the fabric you're doing the Enchanted Alphabet on.

  16. What a lovely post! I love orange fabrics, but I have only stitched one project on it so far. And I do love owls!

    I'm seriously thinking if I should try to catch up with this SAL...but it's been a while since I stopped, and I kind of want to still do a separate post for each letter if I did, so quite some posting to do...

  17. Awesome "O" post! I love all your orange fabric finishes. Lots of great Halloween designs! :D

  18. Fab O post! Love all that orange fabric :)
    Hugs xx

  19. Great choices I love the Occult (and oubliette is one of my favorite words too!)


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