
Saturday 3 September 2016

The Nice and Nifty Alphabet Needleworkers

It's the first Saturday of the month so it's time for detention!

"They only met online, but it changed their lives forever"

I think most of you know the lovely enigmatic Chiara who blogs at The Grey Tail?  We were chatting via email a while back and between us came up with the idea of an A-Z language challenge.  We batted some ideas around and are calling it the The Alphabet Club.  Chiara has the full details on that link but basically she will post a link-up post on the first Saturday of each month (Saturday being detention day in the film) reminding us of the month's letter and we will all link up with themed things, from stitching to designers and local customs.

N is for Necromancy from A Dark Alphabet designed by Julie and Becky's Note of Friendship blog.  I don't think there's too much raising the dead on this blog although I did show a Mummy last month and there will be a Zombie for Z (spoiler alert!).

N is also for Needle as shown in the Brooke's Book's Stitcher's Alphabet piece I am stitching for the Alphabet Club SAL:

Where do you keep your needles?  In a Needlebook of course.  I have Never stitched one of these but luckily I have one made by a dear friend, Margaret, it was one of the first stitched gifts I received in my first year of blogging.

N is for Noah's Ark and I've stitched a few of those, all as birth samplers.

Joan Elliott

From Homes & Garden Cross Stitch book with Noah charted by me, based on the Little People toy.

JBW Designs

N is for Noel (Christmas, not the name!)

N designers include Nora Corbett, and here's another chance to see her four Alphabet Fairies:

Less well-known is Nimue, a French designer with a unique style who designed this lovely Baby Swing:

Stiched on 32 count Sunlit Heath Murano from Crafty Kitten (named by me!)

You can read more about this design here.

I had several Ns on my WIP list earlier this year, all Nora's but now I have None.  I do have a few Northern Expressions Needleworks charts in my stash following a Giveaway by the designer.  Here are a few:

So, on to Bloggers!  On my Blog Roll we have:

(can we spot a theme here?)

and then there's

And not a blog, but a great stitching forum


Finally, it's September so it's my Big Birthday Month, yay!  Nearly time for the Big Birthday Blog Hop.  Some people requested they be advised of their year for the hop early due to holidays, so I have now done that.  For the rest of the participants, you will be getting an email from me in the next two weeks giving you all the information you need to know.  I still have a few spaces left, so if anyone is late to the party, leave me a comment and I can fit you in!


  1. I love the monthly Alphabet Club because you always have lovely stitching to show.
    The design by Nimue is gorgeous there is so much detail in it.

  2. Another great Alphabet Club post Jo. Love all of your stitching.


  3. Nifty 'N' needlework! I especially like your Noah's Arks and you've reminded me that I have a PM Noah's Ark in my WISP bin. I'm off to check out Nimue as I don't remember ever hearing of her.

  4. I am looking forward to finding out what year I will have...this will be interesting.

  5. I absolutely love seeing all this wonderful stitching! It's an amazing collection.

  6. Ooo yay for Ns! I don't think I've seen the Nimue piece on your blog before; maybe it was before my time or in the disappeared year.

    Who is the designer for the top left Noel piece, please~? It's like a stamp!

  7. Oh my gosh Jo so many wonderful projects here.


  8. Great N post, full of lovely stitching. Always love seeing your Nora Corbett collection, so neat.

  9. When I read the word nifty in your title I was immediately expecting to find needle minders in your post, haha. But no, lol. I won't post about needle minders either as I don't have any.
    You came up with some lovely N items and letters. I was not so successful when thinking about my N post. So nice to see a Nimue piece here. She has some very lovely mythical designs.
    Great Alphabet Club post!

  10. I love your letter posts! Amazing how many projects you have completed!

  11. Great fan of Noah's ark, pleased to see some Nimue charts (I saw them on DIY show in Paris years ago). Glad to see all the Noël designs all around the world. xxx

  12. Lovely 'N' post - always wonderful to see a showcase of your work. My favourite this month: Blanc Noel, although quite a few runner ups, too (the Nora Corbett Letters and that cute Nimue design. hugs, Kaye (P.S. Have real technology issues at the moment so falling even further behind with all things blogging! - SIGH!)

  13. Great N post! I love your showcase of N designs... and while I love them all... by out and my favourite is the Nimue design - so cute. Everytime I see those I keep thinking to look for them but always forget...
    Looking forward to seeing what year you send me to report on!
    Hugs xx

  14. HOLY SHMOLY! What a great post - love, LOVE all the "n"s.....and looking forward to your blog hop.

  15. Great post, N is one of my favourite letters (who would have guessed!). I love Noah's Arc Designs, they are so fun with all the different animals and I have quite a few on my to stitch list. I also love Nimue and those NEN charts you got look awesome, I hope we'll see one of those stitched soon!

  16. Lots of lovely things in you 'N' post.
    The needlebook was a nice gift you received.

  17. Lovely to see Blanc Noel again...and judging by the comments on here you've enabled a few stitchers to buy Nimue charts!
    I love your needlebook from Margaret...stitchers really are so generous.

  18. So of course I had to check out Nimue with a quick Google. and I think some of her designs are just awesome. I do love the baby swing, maybe the best, but I felt the need to add a couple to my wishlist. As always Jo, you have been so helpful with increasing my Cross Stitch Stash --- Thank you so much - I do love that design.

  19. Excellent post! Great finishes on everything and nifty 'nowledge of needlework. :)

  20. Looking forward to the birthday hop, keep checking my email for your message like a kid watching for the post man...

  21. 'Nother great post! I don't use a Needlebook but I might make one


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