
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Blingely Blingely Bleep

Q: What's this?

A: a tin full of Bling ORTS!

From this:

I've been working away on Nora Corbett's Little Snowy Gray Cottage although to be honest, it should be Little Snowy Silver Cottage there's so much metallic sparkle in there.  Even the fabric is sparkly, Blue Hydrangea from Crafty Kitten.  I've been trying to alternate the Kreinik with the plain thread but the Kreinik is actually playing quite nicely and I'm enjoying the stitching.

In the evenings I am working on Just Nan's Spring Typography, approximately 30 minutes per evening while the Small Boy is splashing in the bath.  NB do not sit too close to the tub!

Here we are today:

stitched on 32 count Dark Reed linen from Willow Fabrics.

Last weekend was the second weekend of the month so my rotation piece was The Christmas Cubes by Primitive Hare which I am stitching for the Christmas Ornie SAL.  The theme this month is Ornaments and Decorations so I stitched the T cube:

I'm stitching them on a lovely 35 count linen called Country Mocha by Willow Fabrics using the recommended DMC.  I have changed the white to B5200 rather than Blanc because it will pop more against the neutral fabric.   I made a few changes to this one.  One was a forced change because I made a booboo with the placement of the central ornie which meant the snowman was also too low down.  Luckily there was enough room for the T to fit in.  The other change was adding a Santa charm instead of the rusty bells shown on the cover photo of the chart.

The snowman is not stitched with any features but I asked the Christmas Ornie SALers and the consensus of opinion is "add eyes" so, the ayes have it and I will be adding eyes next time I stitch on this design.

(It's also responsible for the one tiny strand of red you can see in my ORTS tin.  Yes, all the red in this ornie and I only "wasted" one tiny piece.  That's how parsimonious I am with my threads!)

Finally, the Big Birthday Blog Hop which I'm thinking of calling The Days of Jo's Life as a nod to the soap opera made famous* by Joey Tribbiani in Friends:

Dr Drake Ramoray

Anyway, to take part all you have to do is leave a comment or email me.  Nearer the date I will allocate you a Year of My Life and on the 17th September you do a blog post about that year or that life event in your life or what you were doing at that age (assuming you are that old!).  Also, post something you have stitched which you think I will like.

* ps Dear American friends, yes, I know, I'm joking ;-)


  1. Oh, how I love your tin of bling and it's not even Christmas! Talking of which, your snowman definitely needs eyes and possibly a tiny carrot nose? Lovely stitching and progress as usual. :)

  2. Very cute stitching! That cottage is very blingey, and ;) for September!

  3. Wow, Little Snowy Grey Cottage is growing fast! Eyes and a nose would definitely be nice on your snowman. Love your little tin, your ORTs look very pretty in it too!
    Barbara xx

  4. Loving all the bling and Spring Typography is coming along beautifully!

  5. Congrats on all of the lovely stitching and progress Jo.


  6. Your bling is quite wonderful and makes me want to get all my sparkly thread out and play :D CANNOT wait for the birthday blog hop!

  7. Your ORT bowl looks like sparkly blue string soup! Lovely stitching. I agree - the Snowman definitely needs some eyes.

  8. WOW cottage does give off a lot of sparkle!!! Usually I'm not much for bling, especially if *I* have to stitch it , but when it's someone else doing all the work... yeah, it looks really cool!!!

  9. All your projects are looking great. You are brave to stitch with all the metallic thread. I stitched with metallic thread on a Halloween design and it gave me fits!

  10. Cottage looks terrific - looks like snow sparkling in the moonlight on a cold winter's night.

  11. Wow! Think we will need sunglasses for all that shiny bling :o) Love the Nora Corbett - it is going to be so pretty when its done!
    Your snowman does look like he needs something - couple of beady eyes maybe :o)
    Don't you just love Joey?? I would love to join in on your Days of Jo's Life - think that is a great title :o)
    Hugs xx

  12. Little Snowy Gray Cottage is very pretty and I love how your bath time project is coming along.

  13. Beautiful progress on your stitching.

  14. Great progress and the bling ORTS. I love the title for your birthday blog hop. Who doesn't adore Joey!

  15. From the preview picture that jar looked like you were making sparkly soup :D Great progress!

  16. I love the sparkly cottage, I bet it's even prettier in real life

  17. The cottage looks so glisteningly pretty!! What fun it must be to stitch too :)

  18. Oh I love your little cottage. So shiny. I agree with your friends about the eyes. Your Spring looks fantastic as well! So does the Christmas piece. I love the added touch of the charm.

  19. I can never get my Kreinik to play nicely. I think I just have a mental block. Isn't it amazing how many American Actors start out in Soap Operas. I think your Santa Charm is a great Substitution and so happy the T fit in. Looking forward to Days of Jo's Life.

  20. Nice orts! Love the pieces you are stitching...

  21. Beautiful cottage!! The christmas cube is really pretty.

  22. Beautiful stitching, I can never get Kreinik to play nice, you are very lucky.
    Love the Christmas Ornament SAL.
    I love Joey, How you doin, giggles.


  23. Haha, bling orts, a nice word creation. But true this time, lol.
    Nice stitching on your WIPs. And you are not the only one being parsimonious with threads. I also use up the strands until the very last bit, and I also use up all the leftover threads from kits. And I feel good doing so, lol.

  24. wooow! those orts are shinning :p looking beautiful!!
    hahahahah Joey, Joey... who doens't love friends? (still!!) Even in PT ;) LOL "How you're doing?" :D hahhahaha


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