
Sunday 20 December 2015

December Stitch From Stash

Month: December
Spent:   £ 0.00
Earned: £ 0.00

Stitch from Stash was hosted by Mel from Epic Stitching

Essentially the idea behind Stitch from Stash was that we were limited to spending US$25 (or £15) per month. There were various exemptions (Birthday money, existing mag subs, clubs etc) but the idea was not to try and pervert the rules and to stitch some of that stash!  I'm using the past tense because sadly Mel has decided not to continue with Stitch from Stash.  However, I'm not one to let a little thing like the organiser dropping out of a SAL to stop me completing the year!

July Budget
£ 15.00
July spend
£ 7.75
August Budget
£ 15.00
August spend
£ 14.57
September Budget
£ 15.00
September spend
£ 0.00
October Budget
£ 15.00
October spend
£ 0.00
November Budget
November spend
December Budget
December spend
Current Balance

As you can see December was another zero spend month!  Yay me!  The best news is that the issue which was really limiting my stashing ability has finally been resolved so while I won't have unlimited funds I won't be quite so broke next year.  However, this last few months has made me focus on what I really need to spend money on as opposed to what I want to spend it on!

Here is the summary for the year:

Charts - £ 22.92
Books and magazines - £ 36.94
Fabric - £ 40.31
Threads - £ 39.66
(that does include an entire cone of DMC 310!)
Beads - £ 5.70

Total - £ 145.53

That total is half my spend for 2014 mostly because I just didn't buy anywhere near as many charts!  Thread spend is up because of that cone of DMC but it will last me several years.  Hopefully!  I have written the date I started using it inside so when I approach the end of it we can have a little competition to guess how long it lasted.

This last week has been very busy again so there's not been a lot of stitching going on.  I did manage to finish the Sunflowers and Acorns design shown on my GG post.  

Sunflowers and Acorns by Beehive Needleworks
stitched on 35 count linen.

I won this kit from Linda of Keeper of the Crowes back in 2012.  You can see her finish of the design here.  She sent me the fabric and the threads (DMC and GAST) and I finally started it as part of the DUCJC this January.  I really like this simple but effective design, it was easy and restful to stitch and the colours are lovely.  I think I will offer it in a giveaway next year sometime, so keep your eyes peeled!

The only other piece with any progress has been the 12 Days of Christmas from Plum Street Samplers:

Nine Ladies Dancing
The Pink Lady is called Vickie!

Ten Lords a'leaping
The "blue" is actually purple 333 but has come out as blue in the photo.

Finally, don't forget to link up for the final Gifted Gorgeousness post of the year and/or sign up for next year!  Same format as this year, anything gifted to you or intended as a gift for someone else, post on or after the 15th of the month.


  1. Congrats on the pretty finish and your 12 Days looks great. Happy Holidays Jo. I've enjoyed stitching and chatting with you this year. Looking forward to next year. (If I can get with the program and get organized.) LOL



  2. tee hee! If I had a pink dress like that, I WOULD be dancing.

  3. I just knew Sunflowers and Acorns was going to be striking and I was right. Beautifully done. Really attracted to the Plum Street designs - I may have to stop resisting them!

  4. Jo: Nice spending account, I do hope you keep up with the stitch from stash and keep us posted.
    Sunflowers And Acorns is adorable.

    Merry Christmas

  5. I love the colours you have used on the 12 days... especially the pink lady!!
    Just as well I didn't do the stitch from stash as this year has been very expensive for me... I must try to do better next year!! :o)
    Hugs xx

  6. Great stitching Jo they all look great! Great job on a no spend month :) I'll be finishing up this year as well.

  7. Its great that you have figured out the difference between what you need and what you want. Do you mean 2014? "That total is half my spend for 2015". Great stitching on the PSS 12 days of Christmas.

  8. love the sunflowers and Acorns ♥
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  9. Dear friend I am visiting you after such a long time...nice to visit your lovely blog always
    Beautiful stitching ..I love it
    Merry Christmas xx

  10. Well done on the Stitch from Stash!
    I loved the twelve days designs to start but from 10 on I've had a problem with them. I know there are two versions of the song with the ladies and lords and pipers and drummers swapping places, (I don't know if it's a regional thing) and I just can't reconcile myself to what seems like the "wrong" order to me

  11. Great job on your spending. I couldn't join that one. If I want something I just have to get it haha. Great stitching!!

  12. Yay for the zero, but also yay for a bit more spending freedom next year! :) Pretty stitching as well!

  13. Great finish. 12 Days of Christmas is looking great too:)

  14. A lovely finish. Your 12 days are much further ahead than mine are lol. Well done on SFS this year, less than £3.00 a week on your hobby that's fantastic. Love the pink lady dancing being Vickie, that made me smile.

  15. Stitch from Stash was a good experience for me as well. Like you I will also continue to think about on what I want to spend money. I will certainly buy the occasional chart - what do I have my huge wish list for? lol - but not the amount of patterns I used to buy years ago. I love my stash and I love diving into it.

  16. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
    sweet hugs :)

  17. Great job sticking to your stash! And congrats on another finish, it's beautiful. I hope you had a lovely New Year's! :D


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