
Friday 8 May 2015

Winners Galore!

It's exactly a month since my Fourth Blogaversary so I guess I ought to announce the winners of the Grand Giveaway?  To enter you needed to leave a comment on the Blogaversary post telling me your top three of the seven charts I was offering.  If you had entered the Easter Treasure Hunt your name got put in twice, if you had been a Picture Poster for the Easter Treasure Hunt you got another entry and if you linked up for April's Gifted Gorgeousness SAL then you also got another entry.  So that made a maximum of four entries in the draw!  And a rather complicated spreadsheet too.

But the Random Number Generator did its duty and the following people were chosen to receive the following charts:
A - Lizzie*Kate Friends are Angels
plus Peace, Love and a Cure (not shown)

B - Christmas Number 1

C - Christmas Number 2

D - Christmas Number 3

E - Told in a Garden - The Courting

F - Told in a Garden - Piecemakers I

G - Told in a Garden - Voice of the Shepherd

I have addresses for some of you, but not all, so if you are reading this then please email me your address.  If you are not reading this, then don't worry because I will email you!

So, apart from organising spreadsheets and draws, what have I been doing this week (and apart from my civic duty yesterday too)?  Stitching of course!  Tuesday was the day for Pretty Little London to have another building constructed:

Week 10
Added a bus and a guardsman

Week 11
Added The Shard on the left

I have also been diligently stitching on The Book of Spells each evening.  This one isn't just black, there are areas of grey and brown too!  The original is charted in GAST and WDW but she provides a DMC conversion.  I am using her conversion for some colours and my own for others.

Stitched on 40 count Jewel Butterbeer linen.

The fabric is very wrinkled but I rather like that because it makes it look more leathery, like the cover of an old book.

I've also been doing a little framing and scrapbooking:

Lizzie*Kate - Friends are Like Angels.
I really wanted the page with that famous painting with the two cherubs looking up at the sky but they didn't have it anymore so I got this cloud paper and some cherub stickers.

Just Nan - Winter Typography.
Raw wood frame painted with a test pot and a couple of snowflake stickers added.

Finally, thanks to the D.E.S.I.G.N. SAL I discovered yet another new-to-me designer - Elli Jenks.  She does a range of cross stitch rugs for dolls' houses and a 3D village called Brightsea.  Of course this design just called out to me:


She has an Etsy shop found here and there is free postage if you order over US$15.  So now I just have to wait to save up enough SFS budget to able to treat myself.  I have promised that when I finished the Nutmeg Cottage design I can have one of these.  So there's an incentive!


  1. Looks good, Jo! Have a great weekend.

  2. Wonderful progress on both pieces Jo. I actually managed to work on London this week. Love all of your finishes.


  3. Congratulations to all the winners!

  4. Congrats to your lucky ladies Jo :)
    Oh my oh my....the book of spells.....its lovely! That fabric is just perfect
    And that cottage......I'm off to have a look at what else is there :)

  5. Congratulations to all the winners! Enjoy your new projects. Jo, I'm loving all those colours in Pretty London and you're coming along really well with it. And yet another great looking Hallowe'en pattern. Darn you! LOL

  6. What a lovely & HAPPY surprise this morning!!! First of all again, Congrats on your 4th Blog Anniversary!
    I am thrilled and looking forward to stitching the "Christmas" chart I won. I will have my linen at the ready - LOL! LOVE your finishes. Friends like Angels is beautiful, Winter Typography looks amazing especially the pretty frame you selected, Book of Spells well I just love it - it reminds me of Harry Potter books. Great progress on your Pretty little London! Congrats to all the other winners of your generous giveaway. I sure enjoyed the Easter Blog Hop. Thank you for all your kindness, love Annette

  7. Congratulations to all the winners.
    Jo: All your stitching is lovely, the Spellbook is a Gem, love Pretty Little London, love the guard he is adorable.


  8. Like Annette, I was THRILLED to bits! What a wonderful, wonderful thing...THANK YOU! Emailing info to you since I don't remember if you have said info or not.

    My step mom loves the pretty city series...and am thinking that since you are having so much fun with it, she might also...going to pick them up for her and send them down :D

  9. Oh this is so great, thank you so much! I think you do have my e-mail so I will send my address!AriadnefromGreece!

  10. Hooray for me! Thank you Jo. I appreciate it. I look forward to stitching the chart, one of my newer friends from the Netherlands just completed the same pattern. It will be a small connection I think.
    You host so many fun things here Jo. A BIG THANK YOU!

  11. Your book of spells is amazing. Good on you for achieving such a fantastic effect.

  12. Congrats to all the winners! Book of spells is looking awesome!

  13. Congratulations to all the winners. London is looking great, and your framing is cute too!

  14. Congratulations on your blogaversary and to all of the winners. Your stitching is amazing and I have to know the designer of The Book of Spells, it is calling to me.

  15. Congratulations to all the winners! I just love all of your stitching, but I think the book of spells is going to look amazing on that linen!

  16. There was a lot going on at your place, indeed . stitching, finishing, scrapbooking, and even discovering a new designer. I will go and have a look at her designs.
    Congratulations to the winners of your generous blogoversary giveaway. I'm sure they will be thrilled.

  17. Congrats to the winners!! All your pieces are looking pretty! The 3D design looks interesting!

  18. Thank you, that's a lovely surprise after a rotten day yesterday. You've got the address right?
    Great stitching, the book of spells is looking wonderful. Off to check out the new designer now

  19. Congratulations to all the innets :-)

    Great stitching as always :-)

  20. Beautiful stitching! And congrats to all the winners :D

  21. Hooray for all the stitchy winners~ :D Book of Spells seems to be the favorite here, and I still love the name of that fabric!

    The 3D stitches are cute, I like the little train engine one. I'm sure the DESIGN SAL is starting to be dangerous for stashes haha.

  22. Congrats to all of the lovely winners - lovely prizes for lovely ladies. I love the 3D cottages - so tempting and Jo, your stitching and scrapbooking is gorgeous, as always!

  23. Congrats to the winners!
    Well done on your finishes!
    Cute patterns!

  24. Lucky winners, congrats, it will be funny to follow your give away pieces on blogs. xxx

  25. Nice going on London and on the Book, and great finishing. Might have to start London soon, it's calling to me...

  26. Congrats to all the winners! Great stitching. Love the Books of Spells piece!

  27. Congrats to your winners!

    I love those brightly colored city charts. I wrote and asked her to design a Washington, DC one. I guess it's on her to-do list!

    You are very clever with your scrapbook page finishes. Nice way to display your beautiful work!
    Those 3-d houses are adorable. I'd never seen that designer before.

  28. Congratulations to all your winners! From the looks of the prizes they are going to have some great new patterns to stitch up.

    I love the Pretty Little London piece that you're working on. And you're right, the wrinkling does give the Spell book an old leather book kind of look.

    I recently started a weekly Stitchery Link Party for all things hand embroidered, including cross-stitch and I would love to have you come link up your post so my readers can come visit too.

  29. Congrats to all the winners, and lovely stitching progress on your part - hooray for finding a new designer you enjoy through DESIGN :D

  30. Busy needles. Congratulations on your stitched and finished pieces. Love the fabric for Book of Spells.It on my stash somewhere. May dig it out this year. EJ's minis are very tempting.

  31. Thank you for mentioning my designs. I hope you'll enjoy stitching my House of Haunts. I have so much fun designing and stitching these.


  32. Beautiful Stitching I love your finishes!

  33. Congrats to your winners.
    The spell book fabric looks wonderful.
    Off to check out the new designer ...


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