
Friday 27 February 2015

February D.E.S.I.G.N. SAL


The idea of this Blog Hop is to choose a different designer each month and do a post focusing on a piece of their work you have stitched on during the month.  Last month I focused on three very well-known designers;  Nora Corbett (AKA Mirabilia), Joan Elliott and Teresa Wentzler.  For the rest of the year I am going to concentrate on less well-known designers in the hope of spreading their fame across the Blogosphere.

The hosts of D.E.S.I.G.N ask us to answer a few questions on our chosen designer.

1. What designer are you talking about this month?

The month is the turn of Madame Chantilly, I am not sure where I discovered her but it was probably on someone's blog.  She has a blog here and an Etsy shop here.  Her patterns are available as paper charts and as PDFs.  I don't think all designs are available in both formats yet but it's worth asking.

2. Have you stitched a project by this designer before?

"On the Beach" is my first Mme.C design.

I am stitching this on a fabric by Sparklies called Kynance after Kynance Cove in Cornwell.  It is dyed to order so you can specify landscape or portrait and also where the division between blue and yellow is placed.  I have changed a few of the colours so they are a little bit brighter than the charted ones.

3. Would you buy/stitch a design by this designer again?  Why/Why not?

There are a set of landscape designs which co-ordinate with On the Beach.  I have already bought Hallowe'en Town and would like the Roses and Reindeer designs too.

There is also this rather nice Advent Calendar, I am very partial to Advent Calendars!

4. What made you choose this particular design/designer?

My cousin had her first baby last year and they decorated the Nursery with a nautical theme because Daddy is in the Royal Navy.  So of course this little design was perfect for the baby.  I am hoping to finish and frame it by Easter as I would love to travel to see them and present it in person.

5. Did you notice anything that distinguished this designer from others?

Madame Chantilly only uses whole stitches in her work, no beads or metallics or other embellishments.  They are charted for DMC and the occasional hand-dyed.  However you could easily use more hand-dyed threads and add charms, buttons or beads.  On the Beach has little crabs and shells along the bottom which you could substitute buttons for the stitches.  The designs have a definite European feel to them, which they should because Madame Chantilly is an Italian designer!

Finally, I saw this idea on someone else's blog and as a lover of statistics I couldn't resist!  This little pie chart shows the proportion of time I have worked on each project this month:

(I am assuming I will stitch On the Beach tomorrow.)
(I am also not including the one length per evening on Trick and Treat, only if I work on it during the day)


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this designer! I have never seen these designs before, but I love them! She has some really cute designs.

  2. I'm very tempted by the reindeer one myself

  3. Great post!! I do love Madame Chantilly's work :)

  4. Oooh now this was really interesting... I love all the designs you mentioned too!! I like the Roses one more though! Looking forward to seeing you stitch some now!
    Smiles :)

  5. Love your constant enthusiasm. Your stitching is wonderful

  6. I love Madame Chantilly! Currently working on her Singing in the Rain and have the Reindeer one in my stash. I love that Kynance fabric, just perfect for your cute beach huts!

  7. Very cute designer. Thanks for sharing. Have fun with your charts :-)

  8. A great post Jo! I always liked the beach one you've been working on,,,,,but that Halloween one is absolutely my fave :)

  9. Beautiful stitching Jo. I love Madame Chantilly! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Had never heard of this designer, so thanks (I think) for giving me someone new to check out. i really like the landscape designs.

  11. Nice post Jo. Love the color wheel. The beach is coming along nicely and I love the other designs.


  12. This is such a nice idea! I loved learning more about the designer. She's got the cutest designs! :D

  13. Oh, those are some awesome designs there! I didn't like the 'On the beach' so much, but I do adore the roses one and will have to check out her shop as well :)

  14. Great post, Jo! Love the stitching/designs you've chosen to spotlight - and love the pie chart;0)

  15. Lovely post!! She have such pretty designs!
    Happy weekend!!

  16. I love the simplicity of your designer! It's a fun stitch and I'm sad that I am on a pattern fast but will put her on my wish list for when I'm again allowed to purchase a pattern!

  17. Thanks for highlighting this new-to-me designer. Love the Halloween one and the roses and the reindeer and the (oh you get the idea)!!!

  18. Interesting concept. Like the designer!

  19. Beautiful design Jo, great to hear more about the designer, I'd not heard of her before seeing this design on your blog.

  20. Great Halloween and Christmas pieces; love the cat on a broom (of course :D). I checked out her Etsy, love the "I wanted a dark cat" haha; that is super cute. Gonna have to add that one to the wishlist! Like the pie chart idea too, that'd be great for people with the billions of projects going. Mine would just a blob of one color haha.

  21. Madame Chantilly designs are so cute! I love the design you are working on, but I also lover her Alice in Wonderland chart. Cool idea with the pie chart, were you counting hours or just days you worked on each project?

  22. As I just saw on the beach finished it's really nice but halloween town is great, I love the colors (bright orange, grey, black, white) they give an harmonious contrast. Statistics look good, called "camembert" here, you can say "cheese". xxx

  23. That's a great blog hop where you learn some more details about well-known designers and get to know new designers. What a lovely idea.


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