
Monday 2 February 2015

DUCJC 2015 - completed!

The DUCJC is a very special challenge in memory of a very special lady.  SoCal Debbie was a prolific stitcher, blogger and commenter.  Sadly she passed away very suddenly last year.  One of her favourite challenges was the CJC:

CJC = Crazy January Challenge, one new start for the first 15 days of January
UCJC = Ultimate Crazy January Challenge, one new start for all 31 days of January
DUCJC = Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge, stitch 31 projects one per day for January

Linda Stitchin' with my Furbabies organised this all via a FB group.  Thankfully Linda is not making us all attempt the SDUCJC (Super Duper Ultimate Crazy January Challenge) or 60 starts throughout January and February which she did with Debbie in 2012.

I did it!  I stitched 31 different designs on the 31 days of January!  Here is a little collage of them all:

And details of the final four days you haven't seen before:

Day 28 - Anchor - Kingfisher (designer not credited - how rude of them!):

Stitched on 28 count blue evenweave.

I am only stitching the bird from this design and giving it to the Small Boy's teacher and TAs at the end of the year.  All the classes in his mainstream school are named after water birds and the Reception Class are Kingfishers so this will look good on their wall.

Day 29 - The Sweetheart Tree - Tudor Rose:

Stitched on 32 count Light Mocha Belfast Linen

I used DMC 223 for the border instead of the Caron Waterlilies which I don't have.

Day 30 - Nora Corbett - J is for Joanne:

Stitched on 32 count Love-in-the-Mist Murano evenweave by Crafty Kitten

Day 31 - Madame Chantilly - On the Beach:

Stitched on 32 count Kynance evenweave by Sparklies

This was a WIP I started last year to be a Birth Sampler for my cousin's baby.  Thankfully I noted the thread changes on my blog because I could not remember what they were when I picked it up again!  The colours listed are nothing like the cover picture.  Much more dull and muted so I am changing quite a bit.

A few stats -

23 New Starts
5 Gifts for other people
22 Gifts from other people

Fabrics Used

25 count eveweave - 1
28 count evenweave - 10
28 count linen - 2
30 count linen - 1
32 count evenweave - 5
32 count linen - 9
35 count linen - 1
40 count linen - 2
stitched over 1 - 6

So right now I am stitching away On The Beach because it's nice to OAAT again!  I did enjoy the challenge more than I thought I would once I got over the first few days on wanting to continue with each project.  Moral - save your favourites until last.  It was a good idea to spend the time in December getting everything together in one place.  It was also a good idea to keep a list of the fabrics too.

My plan now is to stitch on the 15 which are in my WIPocalypse "15 in '15" and then fit the others in around them as we go through the year.  I also want to Giveaway a few charts as part of my Gifted Gorgeousness SAL so watch out for those posts throughout the year.

Would I do this challenge again?  I will have to see how many I manage to complete this year.  If I have several left I won't want alot more new starts in 2016 so I may just rotate the unfinished projects.  On the other hand it is a good way to actually start some much-wanted designs which have sat in my stash for too long.  We shall see....

Finally, I will be hosting the annual Valentine's Day Blog Hop this year.  See this post for more details.  Just send me a photo of your lovely stitching to be sent to another blogger on Valentine's Day,  I've added the Heart to my sidebar, please feel free to copy it onto your blog to link back here.



  1. I prefer your choice of fabric on the Nora Corbett 'J', lovely to see them all in the collage, some projects jump out at your more than others. Madame Chantilly is such a fun design.

  2. Glad to see your baby sampler again. So sweet.
    I am stitching up a Valentine small just for the blog hop. =)

  3. WOW! You are one lean mean stitching machine! I think starting this many projects would send me over the moon

  4. Looks awesome
    Happy 2015 stitching!

  5. Wow-Wee! You don't realize how much 31 projects are until you actually see them all collaged like that! Crazy!! Well done! Now I'm looking forward to seeing them all completed :) Happy Stitching!!

  6. Well done! Have fun for your stitching plans in 2015 :)

  7. That is some crazy, busy work right there! I don't even know how you could keep up or even keep them all straight. I bet you need more than one sewing bag.

  8. Fabulous job, Jo, congratulations on your 31 starts, Debbie would be very happy.

  9. Fabulous Keeping up and completing all 31 days!!! WOOHOO!!! It was a great way for getting some of those charts begging to be stitched. I only did 15 days. But I loved everyone all while thinking of Debbie! I know Debbie would be so happy and proud that you participated in her crazy challenge.
    love Annette

  10. Love all your starts Jo. Thank you for joining me in this challenge. I look forward to seeing your progress on them this year.


  11. Congratulations on completing the challenge! I still have a month to go. Love the new starts. Enjoy stitching on all your lovely WIPs this year :-)

  12. Well done :-) good luck with all your stitching in 2015 :-)

  13. Impressive! I love the beachy one. The levitating fairy is looking good too

  14. All you ladies who stitched this challenge are amazing!! I would have driven myself batty if I had to have a new start every day!!
    Such a lovely array of projects to work on this year :)

  15. Congratulations on completing the challenge! You had greats starts this month, and this last batch of projects is just lovely as well ^_^

  16. You were so very successful with this challenge, Jo, I just envy you. I wouldn't have been able to do the challenge this way, that's why I changed the rules for me. I knew that I couldn't put down all the lovely pieces after just one day of stitching. And leave all my BAPs along for a whole month. I'm too weak for this, lol.

  17. Oh my gosh what an amazing collection of new starts! I'll enjoy watching each of these as they progress over 2015. It'll be interesting to see how many you get finished by Dec 31

  18. Amazing job! I love the fabric you're using for On the Beach. It's perfect! :D

  19. I love the fabrics for On The Beach and J is for Jo. Gorgeous! But no 14 count white aida Jo?!

  20. Beautiful work and I've had a lot of fun cheering you along. I loved the idea of feeling like we had an excuse to start something. Sometimes it feels like Oh I shouldn't start something new with all the other WIPs I have going on. The CJC made it feel okay.

  21. Yay, you managed them all~ :D Now the real fun begins. I could never do it but it's been interesting seeing everyone's insanity haha. I'mma guess all the Halloweeny ones get finished this year. ;)

  22. Congratulations Jo, serious dedication to the challenge and an awesome variety of projects!

  23. I'm with you. I think that 31 is too many for me, and I'm not even a OOAT stitcher! Love that On the Beach, hard to get over here and very popular in my LNS. One of these days. It's so adorable.

  24. Holy Moly Batgirl!!! How are you going to keep track of all that? I know I have 64 wips but mine are all pretty huge so it's hard to lose them. But those smaller ones may get lost down the back of the couch or a dog might accidently eat one as it looks so delicious!! You're crazy...which is why I adore you. I think we have matching freak flags, lets fly them high and be PROUD!!!
    xox Alicia

  25. Well done Jo! Great job :o)
    I love the collage of your all stitching...
    These challenges have been such fun - I wish that I had done them with you all when Deb was around... but never mind I will now be doing them in her memory... and no doubt she is up above looking down on us while she stitches!
    Hugs xx


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