
Wednesday 29 October 2014

October Smalls SAL

The Smalls SAL is hosted by Stitching Lotus

I chose three different monthly themes to follow this year:

Hallowe'en Ornie SAL - 12 different themes
Little Stitcher Fairy Tale 12 Days of Christmas - one per month
Primitive Hare Spooky Countdown - one per week starting 31st January

The Hallowe'en SAL theme this month was Trick or Treat so I am saving that one for my Hallowe'en Blog Hop this Friday.  All the "letters" have been emailed out to the participants so if you signed up to take part and haven't heard from me, then please contact me ASAP.

The Little Stitcher 12 Days of Christmas I am using to illustrate my TUSAL posts, so here is a repeat of the latest Day, the Day of Tea:


I asked people whether they preferred tea or coffee and the tea drinkers came out in front with eight to three coffee fans!

Of course, the stitching is now finished on my Spooky Countdown and each little piece has been mounted on a tombstone and attached to the tree.  Here is today's:

As I finished the Blog Hop stitch yesterday I decided there was time for a new start before the end of the month.  Yes, I know I could have continued with the Hallowe'en Town Mystery, On the Beach sampler or even resurrected Thine is the Trick and the Treat but I felt like a new start!  This one is a chart I received for my Birthday and I am stitching it on some fabric I was also gifted:

Just Nan - Haunted Pumpkins Tree - gift from Mouse
Fabric - Crafty Kitten Chocolate Orange - gift from Shebafudge
(unfortunately the fabric does not smell like a chocolate orange)

Finally I would like to promote a newish blogger who has been following me for a couple of months but as yet does not have many followers herself.  Caitlin blogs at Musings of a Crafter and has just finished a lovely Christmas Angel.  So why not pop over and say Hi? 


  1. sweet stitching my dear..
    i love the sweet girl so much..
    hugs x

  2. Lovely stitching Jo x

  3. Everything is looking great :)

  4. Lovely stitching Jo. I like your new start.


  5. ohhh.. love the "little stitcher" design.. perfect for Christmas.. ;) lovely stitching.. see you in next small SAL check in.. ;)

  6. Gorgeous stitching, Jo. I do love the lady taking tea.

  7. Very pretty stitching. I love the tea one:) love Annette

  8. Lovely stitching Jo!
    Chocolate orange....yummmmm
    I'm not sure I'd be able to work with that! I'd want to lick the fabric all the while that I'd be stitching it :D Not a good thing!

  9. great progress! I love that little lady making tea, though I'm a coffee fan myself!

  10. Lovely stitching!
    Just hopped over to say Hi as advised :)

  11. Too cute! Well done -

  12. Eww chocolate orange now there's one type of chocolate I can give away happily....great new start.

  13. Beautiful stitching!
    Nice start on a pretty fabric :)


  14. Hi Jo! Thank you so much for the link to my blog. It's been wonderful to see so many new faces! As always your work is beautiful and inspiring to us newbies! You are wonderfully kind for helping give me a little kickstart!


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