
Monday 15 September 2014

Winners All Around

There were several entries for my giveaway to win a signed copy of the Cross Stitch Collection magazine which featured the interview with Yours Truly.  It was very intesting to see which designs you chose as your favourites from the magazine.  There were six different designs which people liked with the birds being the leader with five votes.

NB if you want to win one of my giveaways it does help to read the instructions!  I always make people earn their prize by asking a question of some sort LOL.

Anyway, I allocated each entrant a playing card and then picked one at random.  Ewa was the Ace of Diamonds and has won the magazine.  That's great because she is getting married soon so now I don't have to buy her a present.  Joking!

The second winner is me.  Yay!  I have been nominated by Margaret to win this award:

Here are the rules for accepting the award:

* Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
* Share 7 things about yourself.
* Nominate bloggers you admire.
* Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know.

So, number one has been done; Thanks Margaret!

7 Things - I have been pondering The Seven Ages of Women recently as my Birthday is approaching and I have a special one in two years.

The Seven Ages I decided upon are:
Working Woman
Prime of Life

Baby - I was an adorable baby, first child, first grandchild, much loved, chubby and happy.  This is my First Birthday Photo:

Child - I continued to be an adorable happy child although I did lose the chubbiness!  My first experience of stitching came in Year 2 at school when I made a binca mat for my mother.

Choir outfit for school!

Teenager - I was an adorable typical teenager who did alot of fundraising for charity:

Our rock club had saved all their half-pennies to raise money.  
That is my pint on the table next to me!!

Working Woman - this was when I rediscovered cross stitch and started the hobby which has been part of my life for 21 years now.  I commuted to work by train every day for 17 years and either read or cross stitched every one of them.  We had a great group of friends on the train, several weddings and a few babies (not on the actual train thankfully!).  I am still in contact with several of them too.

Mother - That landmark occured nearly 12 years ago now.  In fact exactly 12 years ago I was having alot of fun going into shops to buy baby clothes and telling them I was overdue by a week. hahaha.  You get served very quickly.  My stitching has fallen and risen with each child.  Now they are both older I am able to squeeze more stitching in especially when they are both at school.

Prime of Life - I am looking forward to this one!  This will be once my boys are both more independent and I am able to dedicate more time to myself and my hobbies.  At the moment I cannot leave the younger one overnight so retreats are out of the question.  But one day!

Grandmother - I am going to be an awesome Grandma!  I have been reading lots of blogs written by Grandma stitchers and it all sounds like so much fun.  I just hope my son does not make me wait for grandchildren for as long as I made my parents wait.  Or I will be 72!  I am definitely going to be like the Old Woman Who Will Wear Purple and I'm going to join societies, lots of them so I have can coffee and biscuits out every day!  I will probably start de-stashing about this time too, so make sure you are still following me to score some bargains!

So that's seven facts about me.  Now to the next bit which is to nominate somone.  I have done a few of these in the past so I will nominate some different this time.  Someone who is a new but very regular blogger, who is always cheerful and has lots of crafting going on, someone who does have her personal struggles with her own health and her husband's but somehow always has lots of fun whatever she does with her gorgeous daughter in tow.  Whether it's a day out in the city or a trip to Ikea you can be sure there will be photos galore (including some selfies) and plenty of happiness.

Have you guessed yet?

Dont forget...

Here's a button from her blog.  Click on it to visit her and say Hi from me!

There ought to be some stitching pictures by now.  I have been stitching two things which are presents so I can't show those.  However I have also been slogging away on the over one portion of Noel Blanc so there is progress there:

And on Sunday I started Kathy's RR piece.  She has chosen some San Man blackwork months for her sampler.  September (my birth month) was already stitched so I went for February (the Small Boy's birth month).  This is a rather quick stitch, it's so addictive!

This is a really poor quality scanned picture, white never comes out well on the scanner but it gives you the idea of how much I did in just one day!

Finally, I am going to keep posting this to make sure everyone sees it!  My Followers are increasing in numbers as a result.  A request to all the people who Follow my blog via Feedly or Bloglovin' -

Please could you also click on the Google Join This Site button just above all the smiling faces to the right of my blog?  This button is how I count my Followers and return the following if they have a blog.

Margie brought this to my attention, she follows me via Feedly and said she hoped I had a way of verifying that.  Unfortunately Feedly doesn't have any way of finding out who your lovely followers are.

So please show yourselves by using the button!  It means I can find your blog and also, another 7 followers will trigger a 500 Followers Giveaway.  Only people listed under my Followers will be eligible for the Giveaway.


  1. Nice post about your 7 ages :-) Lovely stitching, I'm getting more and more envious of your Noel Blanc :-)

  2. I loved seeing the photos of you Jo! And learning more about you too. :)

  3. Lovely post Jo, great stitching too (:

  4. Perfect nomination for the next award! Loved reading your potted history, especially the Grandma bit hehe. Noel blanc is coming on beautifully!

  5. Oooh LOVE your post...I feel I know more about YOU now :)
    And eeeekkkkk... you I think nominated me!? lol
    ha ha Thank You :)
    Stitching is wonderful...
    Smiles :)

  6. Great post, Jo, you write so well. Love reading about your 7 ages of life. Congrats to the winner.

  7. Hello, Jo,
    I just found your blog - by hopping from Jacquie's. Interesting facts about your life, lovely stitching! Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Thank you.

  8. AYLI right? I still "creep like a snail unwillingly to school" does that mean I'm still in stage 2?
    By the way I want to see the second baby picture, the one taken 10 minutes later, AFTER you'd got your spoon into that enormous cake!

  9. Great post Jo :) I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your 7 ages! Cute baby!!
    Great going on the stitchy front too!

  10. Hello Jo,
    I am a new follower #497. You can visit me at
    Happy Stitching!
    Ann Christie

  11. So fun to see your 7 ages in pictures!! You sure are cute! I love the bit about wanting to wear purple as a grandma and I hope your boys don't make you wait THAT long!!! Great stitching too!! Hugs!!

  12. That was a nice post about you. I loved seeing your pictures :) congrats to the winner!

  13. Oh boy, I really enjoyed reading this. I think more of us should share piccies of what we were like growing up. And you weren't a chubby baby, you were what they would have called ' thriving' LOL XXX Great post

  14. Loved seeing your pics Jo and learning more about you. Great stitching progress.


  15. I so enjoyed reading all about you:) Great photos.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JO!!! love Annette

  16. Aww that was really cool! I love your baby photo, I just wanted to squeeze those cheeks. LOL! Still gorgeous lovie xo Alicia


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