
Wednesday 30 July 2014

Smalls SAL July Update

The Smalls SAL is hosted by Stitching Lotus

I chose three different monthly themes to follow this year:

Hallowe'en Ornie SAL - 12 different themes
Little Stitcher Fairy Tale 12 Days of Christmas - one per month
Primitive Hare Spooky Countdown - one per week starting 31st January

The theme for the Hallowe'en SAL this month was Pumpkins and I chose a Just Nan design called Moon Riders, three different spooky characters sitting on a moon each.  This one is called Jack:

Stitched on 32 count lavender evenweave using recommended DMC

I realised that I never showed the completed small for last month's theme which was freebie charts.  Here is another one of  Carand88's Spooky Kitties; the Bride of Frankenstein's Kitty:

Stitched on 32 count lavender evenweave using recommended DMC

Don't they make a lovely pair?

And here's another lovely pair, of little woodland squirrels as part of Day 7 of the 12 Days of Christmas by The Little Stitcher:

Stitched on 32count Vintage Grain linen

The final small for this month is the continuing progress on Spooky Countdown by Primitive Hare.  I am still one week behind Giovanna in our SAL but we've got lots of time built in to complete it by 31st October so who's counting?

Finally, the Summer Postcard Blog is well underway.  If you have signed up and not sent your photo to me yet, I will do a little reminder soon.  Here are the links to the postcards sent so far.  Why not hop over and say Hello:

First postcard from Marcy goes to Gracie at Needles, Pins and Dragonflies
Second postcard from Krista goes to Jocondine at Jocondine
Third postcard from Michelle goes to Sharon at Shebafudge
Fourth postcard from Mouse goes to Vickie at A Stitcher's Story
Fifth postcard from Christine goes to Marcy at Stitching Plus
Sixth postcard from Astrid goes to Krista at Just Stitching Along


  1. Great work! I especially love the kittens.

  2. D'awww...Frank isn't do lonely now. =) You got a ton done this month!

  3. Love your choices.


  4. Lots of sweet stitches! I love those little spooky kittens.

  5. wow.. the spookiness is coming soon ehh.. love your stitching and updates.. will check out the SAL too.. thank you. ;)

  6. Cutesie pumpkins....zombie kitties and but you have been busy!

  7. Great work, I love BoF's beehive!

  8. You have been very busy! They are very nice pieces!!

  9. Wow! You have been busy! LOVE the JN finish!!! The others are super cute too! I have my Little Stitcher Advent ones to start sometime this year too!

  10. Everything looks great. Still love those frankenkitties.

  11. Nice stitching smalls this (,oops that should read last...) month

  12. I love those kitties! So cute! All your stitching is lovely though. xx

  13. Aww the Frankie kitties are so cool!! Great work on all your projects stunner.
    xo Alicia


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