
Friday 27 June 2014

TUSAL of Feasts

It's TUSAL time again!  For those of you new to blogging, the TUSAL is a project run by Daffycat, click on the button on the right hand bar for more details.

This year I am intending to stitch The Little Stitcher's Twelve Days of Christmas as a monthly project.  Laura has designed twelve charts with a different theme for each one to represent the days of Christmas.  She has invented the different themes herself using her lovely imagination!

This week I have stitched The Day of Feasts.  Here it is as part of my TUSAL photo:

Can you see the big blob of white from the Noel Blanc frogs?

Day of Feasts.

Now I would usually post something on the Theme of the Day but I'm not a great cook or a fan of recipes and so on.  I thought instead we would have a Feast for your Eyes, much more suitable for a stitching blog.

A Feast of Stitching Prizes

I mailed three giveaway prizes this month, two for the Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop and one for my 5000th commenter.  I had two designs I wanted to stitch for Easter, both of which I received from fellow bloggers.  The first to be finished was Twisted Threads Itty Bitty Easter Bunny.  I stitched this over 1 on 25 count yellow fabric and made it into a little bag into which I popped a chocolate bunny and a skein of the Jodyri thread I used in the design.  This went to Michelle of Michelle's StitchCraft Place

The second design was Sheepish Designs Easter Wabbit which I stitched on 18count pink evenweave and made into another bag with another chocolate bunny and another skein of Jodyri thread, again the one I used in the design.  In each parcel I sent the actual chart that I stitched for the other person.  This one went to Jan of Thread Garden:

Back in February Gwen of Guava Gems left the 5000th comment on my blog.  I wanted to send something suitable so I read through her blog and saw she was taking part in the Snooty Parrots SAL.  I had this little parrot bookmark in my stash, a cover kit from Cross Stitcher magazine.  I used their colours but changed the parrots around a little to make them more colourful.  In the parcel I included a piece of this fabric, I couldn't find any with parrots on but this is very colourful.  I also included a skein of Jodyri's Over The Rainbow thread which includes the same colours as the parrots and a Lucie Heaton booklet of Summer Stitching.

Close up of the bookmark, I used the leftover threads to make the tassel:

And my karmic reward for sending out three giveaways?  One in return!  I've been following Annette the California Stitcher for a while and through her blog I found Lee from Notes from Under the Mountain.  I became a follower and left some comments.  The next thing I know, Lee has chosen me to receive a gift in her Fifth Anniversary Giveaway!!

A lovely band sampler chart by Eileen Bennett, some postcards and information about Hobbiton, Lee lives in New Zealand where the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings films were filmed.  The Large Boy was very interested in these.  And a giant sweetie:

Inside the giant sweetie was this:

A tiny strawberry!

Look at the detail in this strawberry, all those beads, the coin is a 1p for scale (about the same size as a cent)

Lee gives some great instructions on how to make one of these for yourself on her other blog Other Side of the Mountain

As I mentioned Lee lives in New Zealand so when she asked for my address I was quite apologetic and said I am in England (postage being what it is) and gave the village and nearest town.  To both our surprise, Lee knows the area because her Great Grandfather grew up around here!  Just a few miles down the road.  She asked me about a place she'd had problems finding and I was able to send her some links and some information.  How much of a co-incidence is that?

Finally, if you have already signed up for the Summer Postcard Blog Hop don't forget to send your photos in as soon as possible.  And if you haven't signed up then please do so!


  1. Beautiful post! Love your gifts, both given and received, especially the Over the Rainbow thread. I've been thinking that after I finish a couple of long term WIPs I'd like to do a one-thread medium size design. I think I know what the floss may be now, just will have to come up with the pattern! No rush, though - I'm taking forever on the WIPs, ;(

  2. I shall treasure my gift Jo so pretty. I adore the Strawberry x lovely post xx

  3. Jo you were well rewarded for your generous RAKs and clear from New Zealand too. It is a small world.

  4. What gorgeous packages you both sent and received. Your stitching, as always, is looking wonderful. I can't wait to see all your 12 Days of Christmas all stitched up and together. xx

  5. Love the Easter bits you have stitched. Really gorgeous! And how lovely you got a few bits back as well :-)

    Hoping I'm not a no reply commenter anymore - thanks for flagging it up :-) xxx

  6. Love all those cute bunnies and birdies you stitched! That strawberry is amazing. I am lucky enough to have an owl Lee stitched, so I know what fine work she does!

  7. What sweet and darling bunny pockets, and love the parrot bookmarker. Lovely gifts you sent I'm sure they brightened everyone's day. Congrats on winning Lee's giveaway. The strawberry she made you is a treasure piece for sure.
    Funny how you found her thru my blog when she encouraged me to start my blog back when:) Loved your story of how you live in the same area as her grandfather had.
    love Annette

  8. Great giveaways. I love the stitched strawberry you recieved

  9. Fantastic post Jo! I am singing in my head, "It's a small world after all....". =)
    I forgot again!! I wrote myself a new note, and WILL send you the summer pictures this week.

  10. Great post ! This strawberry is half jewel half embroidery ; I hope one day to be capable of doing that.

  11. Karma can be wonderful sometimes! That wee strawberry is perfection!


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