
Sunday 27 October 2013

Happy Jump Up for Drac-in-a-Box

Rather than a Happy Dance, we'll have a Happy Jump Up!

Here are the pieces as I finished stitching them:

And here is the body made up as a headless finger puppet:

The body is not quite as designed because JCS decided not to publish the useful diagram Susan sent them which showed exactly how to sew up his body.  You can find the diagram on this blog post she made.

Here is the box starting to take shape:

Correct side

Reverse side

Basically you mount each square on a piece of card then whip stitch them together.  I used double sided tape on the reverse to hold, the fabric in place and masking tape to hold the corners down.  I used thicker card than recommended which meant my box didn't need stuffing as it stands up on it's own.

Where's Draccy?


oops, I've fallen over and you can see my bottom!

Designs Details:

Designed by : Susan Myers of Acorn House Designs
Available: in Just Cross Stitch Hallowe'en Ornie Special 2013
Fabric: 32 count Permin Linen, colour Star Sapphire plus black evenweave for body and arms
Threads: DMC as recommended
Beads:  Mill Hill
Bat Charm: Sewandso courtesy of Sharon Shebafudge (thanks Sharon!)
Difficulty: Stitching, easy.  Making up - Box, fiddly but easy, Figure - tricky!  Especially the arms.

Finally, I have sent out the details to all the participants for the Hallowe'en Blog Hop this afternoon.  If you are taking part and haven't had an email please let me know.  Stitch By Rachel, please get in touch with me using an email address as soon as possible please!


  1. :D It's wonderful! Lovely work :)

  2. This is brilliant! Well done :D

  3. Great job! Kudos to you! Bet the Small Boy loves opening this.

  4. How cute.... you did a fabulous job on the finishing too! Great treat.

  5. Love this Halloween project! She also did a pumpkin one last year! It's on my to stitch list. Ah if only I could buy time at my LNS.

  6. Congratulations!!! The box and Dracula look awesome.

  7. Congratulations!!! The box and Dracula look awesome.

  8. Fantabulous finish Jo. I love it.


  9. WOW that looks amazing. I will definitely be stitching that one.

  10. That's a cute Drac and a wonderful finish! Have a Happy Halloween! :D

  11. You did a wonderful job assembling and finishing on Halloween box. Looks perfect! love Annette

  12. Oh my, he is just amazing! Well done!

  13. Your Drac in the box is fantastic!!! You've done a fabulous work & it looks perfect :) I am so impressed as I found the finishing would be a real nightmare but you made it sound quite easy... Well done!!!

  14. Fabulous finish! Your finishing is wonderful! I wouldn't even attempt it :)

  15. Hi I'm a new follower of your blog and am new to blogging myself. Great project and he's so cute! Love reading your posts. Come check out mine. It's not as nice as yours but in time I'm sure I will get the hang of it! Thanks

  16. Well done Jo, he's fabulous, I bet the boys love him.

  17. Amazing! I'm glad your wired bat is getting used. Hopefully mine will too soon :)

  18. Wow, what a great finish!! I love Drac!

  19. Fantastic finish! And thanks for sharing the link to doing his body. I intend to work on this for next Halloween :)

  20. Wow! Well done on the assembly he looks great!

  21. Wow. I just love him. What a perfect finish.

  22. ohhh this is so cool!!! :D
    Well done sweetie, congrats :D

  23. ooooh this is spooktacular! great great job, Jo!
    thank you for doing the dirty work and letting us have that handy diagram.
    hope Judas isn't that nasty over there, the news showed quite a mess last evening.

  24. WOW - it turned out awesome! Congrats on the great job stitching and putting it together!!!

  25. Just found your blog through Shebafudge. I LOVE Drac! Can't wait to go trick or treating tomorrow.

  26. Wow this must be very popular at home for the boys to play with. How is the bat made?

  27. Perfectly constructed and stitched and such an amazing piece!

  28. Wow!! I love your "Drac in the Box" ! You've really done a fantastic job on this. Happy Halloween!

  29. Jo you are seriously one crazily talented girl! Drac turned out fantastic just like I knew he would under your capable hands. It all looked tricky to me. Congrats stunner on your perfectly scary Drac in the Box.
    Alicia xo

  30. Your box is awesome, just perfect in stitching and finishing!! I am sure the designer is thrilled with your work. I love 3-D cross stitch work. Love your blog!

  31. ^_^ He is just amazing! Love him ^_^ You must be so pleased with him.

  32. I've fallen over and you can see my. bottom! LOL. Fabulous job. You're going to display this year round, right?

  33. Love Drac in the Box!!! You did a great job finishing him. The bat makes him look extra awesome.


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