
Monday 15 April 2013

Theme-a-licious April Update

Theme-a-licious is hosted by Heather of It's Geek to Me

Each month Heather thinks up a theme for us to stitch to, or in my case, a theme to somehow shoe-horn my existing stitching into, no matter how tenuous the link!

April's theme is:

Amazon April
Dip your needle into the vast swath of fabric dedicated to your BIGGEST projects!

The first BAP is the Large Mirabilia Round Robin.   We decided to make the boxes twice as large as usual (5,000 stitches rather than 2,500) as we could fit more of the design in.  There are three groups of four stitchers and we get 12 weeks to stitch rather than the usual 6 weeks.  Even so, of course, I was still stitching almost up to the limit!

This the Archangel Michael:

This is his Bling:

And this is the whole of the design so far:

Julie chose Angels as her theme and designed this incredible layout herself.  The fabric is PTP Heather Lugana and is really soft and lovely to stitch on.  Archangel Michael is one of the less stitched Mirabilia designs which is one of the reasons I jumped at the chance to stitch him.  I don't think I'd ever do the full piece for myself but it is nice to stitch something different.

There is a ton of metallics, beads and treasures even in this small piece of the design, 12 of those little topaz diamonds for a start.

That's it for this theme so far!  I still have Sophia's Band Sampler RR glaring reproachfully at me from the corner of the room so I must crack on and finish that next.  Then the choice is between Joan Elliott's Green Goddess and the Scarlet Letter Sampler.  Difficult decisions indeed!

Thank you all very much for your Congratulations on my recent Blogaversary.  I'm glad you liked the cute photo, I have cute photos of me up until the age of 7 or so, then I'll just post a picture of a cake or something LOL.  It was great to read about all your progress (or lack thereof) since last Easter.  I remember alot of the projects so I must have been paying attention throughout the year.

I allocated everyone a playing card and got the Large Boy to pick a card, any card and not put it back.  Then do it again because it's my 2nd Blogaversary so we'll have two winners.  The winners of a small something are........


Finally, I just noticed a few more followers have joined me, heading towards 400 now, so there's another excuse for a little giveaway.  I'll wander off and try think of something interesting to ask you all.  You don't get anything for free on this blog, you have to work for it!


  1. Jo, I am blown away - that is such an amazing piece! I hope that I am as successful with my JE RR - just stitching up my layout now - so there should be a progress pic soon.

    hugs, Kaye

    P.S. congrats to your winners.

  2. Congrats to the winners. The piece your working on is stunning as is your stitching.


  3. Beautiful project, looks absolutely stunning!!

  4. Oh my goodness, I feel so lucky!! Thanks, and a special hug to the Large Boy (if he doesn't mind it, boys being boys... have two of them myself, so I know...) The RR is wonderful, well done.

  5. Oh thank you! I will look forward to a sweet little something :)

    Your stitching is looking lovely, you are right, we don't see this one stitched enough :)

  6. That is the most stunning, most amazing RR I've ever seen

  7. WOW! What a beautiful layout and great stitching. It's going to be beautiful when finished. I like the idea of larger blocks.

  8. I just joined your blog and you said to leave a comment. I am a Blog Lurker and only join the ones I think are wonderful! I also want to say, I am almost finished with Thine is The Trick Or Treat. It is such a fun stitch! I did mine on a 28ct opal from SilkWeaver called Gold Spinner. I have a couple more days and then off to the framer. Good Luck with yours!

  9. The RR is stunning! Congratulations to the winners

  10. Holy Angels Batman that is truly stunning Jo!! Beautiful stitching. I'm so sorry I missed your blogoversary post so here is a belated blogoversary wish. I'll have to make you something special to commemorate your celebration.
    Good luck with all your RR's and upcoming stitching stunner xxooxx

  11. Oh, such gorgeous piece! The layout is beautiful, and I love how Archangel Michael turned out! So blingy and spakly :D He desreves to be stitched more, lol!

  12. Your Archangel Michael is beautiful! I love all the bling.

  13. I love it, you stitched it beautifully! What a great layout, I hope I get to see it finished.

  14. Congrats to your winners.

    Very spectacular!

  15. Oh my goodness, this looks amazing :)


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