
Wednesday 28 November 2012

November WIPocalypse

This has got to be the lamest WIPocalypse post to date!!

I didn't stitch a single thing from my "12  in '12" so zero progress there.

For Part 2, Just-Nan-a-thon I did manage a finish for Frightful, so here it is again:

Part 3 is Theme-a-licious so I'll post that on the 30th as usual.

The majority of this month's stitching has been for Round Robins, actually the majority of this year's stitching has been for Round Robins!!  I'm only doing one RR next year, the large Mira so I'll be focusing on some of my WIPS.

The main ones I'd like to finish are Green Goddess by Joan Elliott, My Lovely Sewing Tools by Marie Suarez, Thine is the Trick and the Treat by Prairie Moon and keep up with Around the World in 80 Stitches by Papillon.

Then there is the new Scarlet Letter Challenge.  I've been having a browse of the site (finally, after adding a million participants to the blog!) and have made a short short list:

Ann Johnson Reproduction Sampler

Pattern Record (I'd use more than three colours though)
Pattern Record

Judeth Payne

EH 1669

Side by Side Band

Martha Wilkins


Gardner Pocketbook (I'd stitch this as a picture not a pocketbook though, I love the colours)
Gardner Pocketbook

I also looked at Joanna Warren (for obvious reasons, it's my name (almost!)) but she looks very big and busy, I think I'd get bogged down in her.

Joanna Warren

I also love the small "My Beloved" so I might treat myself to that one for Christmas, I think I could definitely finish that one in less than a year!

My Beloved

So what do you think?  It's a very difficult decision!  There are 327 to choose from and even after you exclude certain things there's still a huge range to choose from.  Happy browsing!

Finally, the Gift of Stitching website is closing down for good on 30th November, this is your last chance to get back issues.  They are heavily reduced right now so buy while you can!!


  1. I cannot wait to see what you choose, whatever you do it will be beautiful.

    Love your finish. All four have such wonderful facial expressions.

  2. Wow, they're all gorgeous... I really wouldn't know what to choose. Maybe the Side by Side would call loudest. Congrats on finishing the Just Nan. My WIPocalypse isn't too impressive either, again... will post tomorrow.

  3. I love those samplers :D but the only problem is money to buy them all :D

  4. Decisions, decisions, decisions... All looks so lovely.

  5. I have also been debating the Scarlet Letter Challenge. I have not yet decided if/what I might stitch. There are so many to choose from.

  6. So many amazing samplers! Cant' wait to see which one your choose first : )

  7. So excited to be joining on the SL SAL!

  8. Oh, that gardener pocketbook is beautiful! Even though I'm more of a blue-lover I think it would be so pretty as a little electronic case (ipod, etc)! G'luck on your SL! Whatever you choose will be awesomesauce I'm sure! :D

  9. I browsed over there a little bit, trying to constrain myself to ones from the V&A or from a time period...then I came to my senses and realized would take me thirty-leven years to finish any of them! They are all great, though!

  10. Samplers are gorgeous!! Love the Halloween project too!


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