
Tuesday 23 October 2012


That's International Hermit and Stitch Weekend or as Kate calls it, NDSW - Numb Derriere Syndrome Weekend

Here's what gave me a numb bum this weekend.  First of all Cat's lovely Four Seasons Round Robin.  She stitched four boxes with a central diagonal band across each then we could choose a section to complete.  I chose Autumn because I'm an Autumn baby and I loved the colours.

What I did not love is the frog that hid under the leaves!  I really like satin stitch as a rule but this was a PITA.  First of all I stitched one segment using the charted 3 strands.  That was lumpy, bumpy and not smooth.  So I frogged it.  Then I used 2 strands which was smooth and lovely to behold.  Until I'd stitched all five segments and found they didn't reach the top.  When I looked again and counted and double checked I realised that  you need seven stitches to cover six threads on the fabric, the seventh stitch being the outside edge of the block (make sense?).  So out it all came again!  I re-stitched and now it looks lovely again.

The frog has been unceremoniously dumped outside the back door before I mailed the parcel to Sophia a day early.  This is worth noting as this RR has been dogged by delays, both postal and personal to the contributors!

Next up was my day time project, the cutest little thing you ever saw:

Yes, it's Glow-in-the-Dark Ghostie Kitty!  Stitched with Kreinik Glow-in-the-Dark thread.  I tried to get the much cheaper DMC version but it was sold out.  What a surprise, why didn't I think of buying it not in October?  ps do you know how hard it is to photograph in darkness?  Answer - very, then you have to photoshop to see the pic at all!

Here is Kitty in the light:

I stitched Ghostie Kitty for my son because I'd already stitched these two for someone else and didn't want to stitch a third one.

Aren't they just amazing?  They have glow-in-the-dark eyes too.

Carolyn has charted them from another person's little animation thingies and she's done a great job.  Here's a link to her blog, the previous Freaky Freebie post gave the link to her Deviant Art page where you can also find the charts.

Finally, there's still time to sign up for the Hallowe'en Blog Hop.  Click on the tab at the top that says "Hallowe'en Blog Hop" not surprisingly!  Sign-ups close this Friday.


  1. Super glow in the dark kitty's.
    Another fabulous RR. What great ideas your ladies have. Shame you have a visit from the slimey green one though, it does look beautiful.

  2. Well, the frog hopped from your door & showed up at mine last night! I sent him packing pretty quick & told him not to come back!

  3. Pretty RR
    I really think theses frogs are multiplying like rabbits, lol
    Glow in the dark kitty's are so cool

  4. Aww glow in the dark kitty is so cute ...
    I hope mr frogie stay away ...
    Hugs xxx

  5. What a beautiful RR piece. Love the glow in the dark kitty.


  6. Look, look, I found you this time! :D

    Ouch, having to frog twice in the same section! That's when I get mad and walk away from stitching, haha.

    The ghosty kitty came out so awesome!! I've been seeing tons of glow-in-the-dark things everywhere and it really makes me want to go out and buy some of the stuff 'cause the effect is so coooool~ The little zombie kitties are adorable too, in all their brain nomming glory. XD

  7. The kitties are gorgeous, still plugging away on mine but watch this space ;)
    Great work on the RR

  8. This is soo clever, glow in the dark thread!!!! OMG this little kitty is adorable, well done.

  9. Bloody frogs. I'm glad you got rid of it. I didn't even know glow in the dark thread even existed!!! How cool. Your kitties look awesome. I'll have to keep an eye out for them. Xox

  10. Sorry I forgot to add I finally answered your question in my last blog post for ihsw. Can't wait to hear what your answer is. Xoxox

  11. The RR is just beautiful. I stitched the whole series many years ago: the designs are gorgeous, but yes, working on the diagonal can mislead you easily. Love the Halloween stitching :-)

  12. I love the glow in the dark kitty! It is too cute :)

  13. Your autumn stitching is lovely. The kitty is sweet.♥

  14. am so sorry the frogs were having fun at your place over the autumn piece - they can be such annoying visitors -
    fun glow in the dark kitty - my daughter would want this if she saw it. hugs and stitches, Amanda

  15. Sorry to hear you had such a hard time with the frog. I learnt a long time ago from a class I took when working with specialty stitches, etc. Never count the "stitches/holes" count the fabric threads. This has never led me wrong!

    That kitty is too cool!

  16. Doh on all those frogging sessions, Jo!! :( On the upside, it looks fabulous!!!

    Glow in the dark kitty.... COOOOOOOOOL!!!!! Bet the boys keep turning off the light just to see them glow. ;)

  17. Lovely piece I admire all the different stitches. I did not know of glow in dark floss, how spooky. You had a very productive ihsw even with those pesky frogs

  18. The RR looks fantastic, in spite of those wretched frogs. Love the glow-in-the-dark ghostie. Must try those threads.

  19. Love those glow in the dark kitties!

    very pretty RR.


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