
Tuesday 31 July 2012

Theme-a-licious Looking Backward & Forward VII

July's theme was Jolly July, It's a jolly holiday with your can concentrate on Christmas designs, ornaments, or even pick a different holiday to render in stitchy goodness.

I chose this cute little ornie from the Christmas Preview issue of Just Cross Stitch, it is designed by Blue Ribbon Designs and I chose to stitch it on 32 count twilight blue linen rather than the tan colour in the magazine.  I also changed the Blanc to B5200 because I like it!

And here's how it will look on its scrapbook page.  I'll cut it to size and mount it when I've stitched the companion piece which features a snowman.

And that was it!!  Although, of course, I was running the Summer Postcard Blog Hop which is a holiday so that counts too.  I've got a couple more "postcards" to send and would love some more.  All you have to do is email me a photograph of a stitched Summery picture and a message and I'll do the rest.  For more details and a list of bloggers already in the Blog Hop click on the sunset to the right.

And next it is Altius August - Embrace the Olympic motto--Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger)--by elevating your mind. It's the perfect time to learn something new! Or maybe achieve some goals...

I think I'll follow Heather's example and set myself some targets and award myself Bronze, Silver and Gold medals for how many I complete.  Here are the August targets, in five categories, one for each ring:

Blue Ring
Band Sampler Round Robin - Finish the current piece and also the one due to arrive next week
Blue Ribbon Designs - stitch the snowman ornie and scrapbook the two together

Yellow Ring
Joan Elliott Round Robin - Finish the current piece
Birthday cards - stitch two cards for lucky August ladies

Black Ring
Giveaways - stitch at least one of the two outstanding prizes
Needlecraft Haven - stitch the August freebie

Green Ring
Papillon Around the World - stitch at least the outlines for Parts 3 and 4, complete Parts 1 and 2 including the metallics.

Red Ring
Just-Nan-a-thon - stitch at least one design
12 in '12 - keep up the good progress and either start or finish another one of my 12.  NB this does not include the BBD as it is nearly done even as I type.

That seems to be enough to be going on with!

Finally, the Summer seems to have brought out a batch of new bloggers, like a lovely bed of summer flowers!  Welcome to the Wonderful World of Blogging and thank you for your comments.  If you add an email to your profile we can reply direct to you and if you add your blog address to your profile we can come stalk you return the following.


  1. I love your finish so much..sweet xxx

  2. Hello

    Your finish is lovely!
    Good luck with all your goals.

  3. That ornament looks great with the scrapbook paper! I mean, the ornament looks great on its just goes really well with the paper.

    I love the Ring events idea!!!

  4. Very nice and an interesting way to finish.

  5. Beautiful job on "Woodsy Winter" Jo! - I can't wait to see it (along with the companion) mounted on the nicely coordinated scrapbook paper. Thank you so much for sharing this with me and for stitching one of my designs! <3

  6. Hi Jo,
    Firstly fantastically betterer choice going with the twilight blue linen, I can't imagine it would have looked that beautiful on a tan fabbie. Love the scrapbook page you will be teaming with it. It's looks fantastic for something so simple. Beautiful creation!!

    Good luck on your goals, I felt exhausted after reading them, but I hope you achieve them all. xox

  7. Lovely finish Jo, I think the blue linen works really well for it.
    Good luck with your targets!

  8. Cute finish! I just got my copy of the magazine yesterday and this is one of the ornaments I like - well done!

  9. Lovely finish, Jo.
    Good luck with your stitchy goals.

  10. very cute Jo, hope you will earn a lot of gold medals for Altius August ;)

  11. Good luck in the JOlympics!
    Super Blue Ribbon design.

  12. Your stitching looks lovely on the blue. Good luck with Altius August!


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