
Thursday 26 July 2012

A Heartfelt Start

I've been waiting to start this one until I had the frame.  Minnie from All XXs sent me the chart and I knew it would be perfect for my friends' Wedding in June.  But I needed the right frame.  I finally found one last week, it's three small frames joined together so I was able to work out what size fabric I needed to fit the apertures.  40 count over 2.  Perfect as I had some white Newcastle in my stash already.

I'm stitching three of the hearts, two as charted and one with an empty centre to put the bride and groom's details in.  Here is my progress so far:

The bottom one isn't offset, it's on a separate piece of fabric!  I'm using the threads Minnie sent but only the purple/pink ones as they match the Wedding Invitation.  There are also some greens but I might use them if I stitch the design for myself.

Finally, the next postcard in the Summer Postcard Blog Hop has been sent on it's merry way across the pond.  This time to Cucki at her Stitching Cove.  Watch out for it appearing on her blog soon.


  1. Hi

    That looks lovely and your frame sounds perfect.

  2. aww it is looking so lovely..
    got the post card..
    off to put it on my blog..
    big hugs xx

  3. Well done! You've done some lovely things!! OMG, I've got some flying little things on the screen as I'm typing this comment, this is quite cute!

  4. On my way to Cucki's...lovely hearts...

  5. These are going to look lovely! A beautiful gift :)

  6. The hearts are lovely and so soft Jo! How sweet of Minnie to send that to you!!

  7. I love it when things come together like that - serendipitous!

  8. That will be a lovely gift. I'd love to see it in the frames when you get finished.

  9. And a gorgeous postcard it is (wink, wink). Thanks for organizing it Jo. It's neat to see them all!!! Your wedding gift looks lovely. I really like the purples and pinks. I bet the bride will really love it too!!! Glad the frame worked out too. I love it when it all comes together like that. (Now I feel like what's his name from The A Team. (I love it when a plan comes together), lol.)

  10. That is so pretty - great idea for a wedding!

  11. It is going to look lovely. The triple frame is such a good idea I might have to steal it for some little quaker pieces I've got in my stash ;D

  12. Hi Jo - thankyou for your invitation to join your list of people working on the papillon sal - I would love to join though it may be a few weeks before I have any progress report pictures as I am not currently working on it due to the fact I have got some health issues with my son I have first to take care of - I will let you know as soon as I am back working on it :) thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog I appreciate it - so sweet of you to be stitching gifts for other people

  13. Jo I am so glad you could find a use for the chart and threads, it's looking lovely and I know your friend will love it.

  14. Hi Jo!
    Thanks for following me and leaving lovely comment on my blog :-)

  15. Such a lovely idea for a wedding sampler, it'll be a treasured piece of stitching.


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