
Friday 15 June 2012

Theme-a-licious June Update and 11 Things

June is Jumanji June or birds and animals themed stitching.  We're really pushing the boundaries of definitions here.  I have a robin and a guinea pig.

Here's the robin:

What do you mean, it's not a Robin, it's a Lady in a Fur Hat?  It's for a Round Robin hahaha.  This design came from an old issue of World of Cross Stitching.  I added the golden curlicues to fill the corners.  It was a nice quick and easy stitch, great fun and a real "just one more colour" as I never wanted to stop stitching at bedtime!

And here is the whole of Melva's Christmas themed RR:

She's having the four Joan Elliott Christmas Petite Angels in each of the corner blocks then a selection of Christmas designs in the other.  Melva will finish the Lady with Book when it returns to her.

And here's the guinea pig:

What's that?  It looks like a snowflake to you?  That's because I was the guinea pig.  Beverly who blogs as Wee Stitchy has a new website Love Thy Thread.  A while back she offered a free chart to anyone who wanted to be a guinea-pig.  So I said "wheep wheep" which is guinea pig for "Me please" and received this lovely snowflake.  I'm stitching it on navy blue aida using 2 strands of DMC Blanc.

The only comment I will make, as the charts are computer generated the snowflake wasn't quite symmetrical.  I just stitched the top right hand quarter then flipped it for the bottom right.  I've inverted the chart and will stitch the left side that way.

Bev has several of these snowflakes on her site plus a wide range of designs at very reasonable prices.  She also runs a loyalty programme whereby you get a free chart if you send a photo of a completed design.  That's an incentive isn't it?  The charts are available as pdf instant download or by post if you don't have a printer with an ink in it!

Heather from It's Geek to Me who runs Theme-a-licious tagged me with this fun 11 things Activity.

The Rules:
  • Post these rules.
  • You must post 11 random things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions set for you in their post.
  • Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
  • Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.
11 Random Things About Me: 

Number 1. I like to cheat.
Numbers 2. to 11. See this post 10-things-you-might-like-to-know-about

My Answers to the 11 questions from Heather:

If you could choose any profession other than your current one, what would it be? 
I'm a bookseller but I'd like to work in education again, a school librarian or maybe as a Parent/Teacher liaison advocate.

What craft or hobby would you try if money and time were no obstacle?
Nicola from Stitching by a Cornish Seashore is signed up to make this embroidered-cabinet-of-curiousities.  I would love to be able to join her.  Alternatively I'd use the money to pay someone to do my housework then time would be less of an obstacle anyway!

What is the first movie you remember seeing at the movie theatre?
Bambi, in Singapore, when I was about 4.  I clearly remember standing outside the cinema waiting in quite a long line with my Dad. 

What was the last video game you played?
Does Spider Solitaire count?

What are you good at? In other words, what makes you unashamedly yell, "I can do that!" 

What is your favourite holiday that you've ever taken?
A stitching retreat I did years ago, 4 days of stitching and chatting, all food cooked for us and beauty treatments in the evening.  Bliss! 

If you could have unlimited money to spend at one store, where would it be? 
Libertys of London, they have clothes, stitching, home furnishings, the lot!

What's the best book you've read recently? 
This week it has to be The Consadine Curse by Gareth P Jones, a book about a very strange group of cousins.  It's aimed at the 9-12 age range and I read it in one day.  Very interesting ending!

Star Wars or Star Trek? Why? (NOTE: You must pick one. Flip a coin if you have to, and I will be appropriately dismayed. ;) 
No contest - Star Wars!  Why?  Captain Kirk LOL.  I do know that fans of Star Trek are called Trekkers NOT Trekkies though.

What's the best Halloween costume you ever wore? Or, if nothing sticks out...the best one you ever saw.
The best thing about being a Goth Hippy is that we just wear our normal clothes at Hallowe'en and everyone thinks we've made an amazing effort!
The year I was pregnant with Small Boy I was on the door at our music venue (too big to work the bar as I would usually have done!).  I wore a black hoodie with a kangaroo pocket, hidden inside was a baby doll's leg which I used to "kick" anyone who patted the bump, then I'd slip the leg out of the pocket and scream "My baby's getting out!".  That was fun!

If you had to leave your home quickly what 2 items (besides family, pets, and necessities) would you take with you?
Depends on how long I've got!  If there's a fire then I'd grab my New Rock boots and my leather jacket for practical purposes.  If we're fleeing the country for tax reasons then my stitching, books, earring collection, photos etc.

Here are my 11 taggees:

Heather It's Geek to Me (because I want to read her answers to my questions LOL)
Julie and Yes Dear (because I love her writing)
Shirlee the Easily Influenced Stitcher (because she makes me stifle giggles when I read blogs late at night)
Mouse (because she'll make us all a cuppa when she posts)
Topcho Bla, Bla? Bla! (because she has great taste in books)
Alicia Crafty Princess (because she's a stunner!)
Joyce Random Ramblings (because she's like Blogging Royalty)
Sarah-Beth Cross Stitch Blog (because she lost her furbaby recently and deserves cheering up)
Minnie All XXs (because she might include a photo of one of her collections of figurines which I love)
Karen StitchyWoman (because she helps me come up with mad ideas for projects)
YOU! (because I can't choose between about 10 more people so if you want to be number 11 then leave a comment.)  (see, I told you I cheat LOL).

Of course, none of you are obligated, and I fully realize some of you may not be "in" to this kind of thing. No worries, I am not offended (in advance).

My questions for my taggees: 

1. Watch the film first or read the book first?

2. Which book would you most like to see made into a film?

3. Who would play you in the story of your life?

4. What was the first live band you saw?

5. Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

6. Did you embarrass yourself by blushing/clamming up, saying something stupid?

7. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner or Breakfast, Dinner and Tea?  or some other random names for your meals?

8. Does your family have a word for something which no-one else in the world uses?

9. What is the worst job you've ever done?

10. How did you get out of doing it?

11. What is the theme song to your life?

Finally, don't forget my Wish You Were Here Summer Postcard Blog Hop.  Click on the picture to find out more.


  1. Great post! I was surprised at some of your answers, and sure enjoyed the whole post. You did find great questions for the ones you tagged. Your stitching looks great! Beautiful animals you stitched! :-) the robin is a very cute piece.

  2. Hi!
    Beautiful stitching! Love that snowflake. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  3. I like your take on the theme. Enjoyed reading your questions :)

  4. Love your "fauna" stitching. Great answers. I couldnt stop laughing at your Halloween costume gag

  5. Love your "fauna" stitching. Great answers. I couldnt stop laughing at your Halloween costume gag

  6. Great answers, I feel like I know you a bit better now.
    LOL at the Kirk comment. True, but equally "Trek because of Captain Picard"
    I answered all your questions in my head as I was reading them, does that count ;D

  7. Pretty snowflake! And fun questions :-)

  8. The snowflake looks great, and you have picked some interesting questions and I am going to attempt to answer them on my blog! Thanks for the prompt.

  9. Some beautiful stitching you have there - I love the Round Robin design! Interesting questions and answers!

  10. Loving the snowflake and the round robin design, just bought some software that has set me back £600 so now will have professional charts, can't do this with some rubbish computer generated charts, would never get any returning customers lol although i have learnt by them as its all trail and error, thanks again Guinea pig!

  11. Fun post, and you do a great impression of a guinea pig ;)

  12. I love why you chose these projects for the themelicious this month...thinking outside the box - such fun to read this post!

    Learnt a lot about you from your answers.

  13. LOL!!! OK, you are brilliant. Sure, I gave you a start with "robins", but "guinea pig"...genius. =)

    You are also a brilliant cheater. ;)

    Spider Solitaire totally counts. I've wasted many hours on that one.

    ROTFL at the Halloween costume!!! I bet you got some great reactions.

    Here I go to answer MORE QUESTIONS! =)

  14. Great to learn more about you, Jo! Very clever to send a set of questions right back at Heather too.... hehehe

  15. I love how you're giving your own interpretation to the theme-a-licious theme this month. I've taken quite a bit of liberty in the past. The round robin piece is gorgeous.


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