
Friday 11 November 2011

Travelling Patterns Travelling Onwards

I finished stitching Cucki's Travelling pattern earlier this week but the scanner bleached it out so I had to wait for the camera to be in the same room as the pattern!  Here is my finish:

What do you think of the fabric?  Madame Muriel asked for sunglasses!  The original is stitched in Sampler threads so I pulled the DMC threads as charted and thought they were rather austere.  This is a Cucki pattern and needed a kooky look.  So I got my piece of 16 count white aida and coloured it in with my fabric pens!  I've done this a couple of times before and have always been pleased with the result.  It's a nice cheap and easy way of getting coloured fabric especially when you only want a small piece.  The colours in the photo still aren't 100% true but I'll try again when it's framed.

I changed the colour of the bottom heart to the heather (778) used in the middle heart on the chart as it would have clashed with the stripes in the fabric.  Then I used 115 variegated to stitch the middle heart.  I do like the colours in 115 but it doesn't change enough for many designs.  I like a variegated to change several times in a length and this only changes once every length.  I am using it alot for some cards so watch for pictures later in December.

As this is a Travelling Pattern it's time for it to travel onwards.  To be included in the Stitcherhood you must follow these rules:

1. You must have a blog.
2. Comment on this post only, saying you would like to be part of the Stitcherhood.
3. You must have an active blog to participate,, if you have a blog but never post on wont be chosen to be the next stitcher.
4.The stitcher who will receive the Traveling pattern must stitch it (within an acceptable time frame),finish it and display the finished piece for all to see.
5.Then the stitcher must offer up the traveling pattern for another stitcher to use and it will be off on its travels again.
I'm adding an extra bit to 2. - leave a comment suggesting a name for the fabric I created, as well as saying you want to be in the Stitcherhood!

If you can't commit to the Stitcherhood right now then still leave a comment with a suggested name, just for fun but tell me you don't want to be in the draw.

The second Travelling Pattern is the one I stitched earlier this year; Shakespear's Peddlar Count Your Blessings.  It is now with Kath in her Stitching Heaven and as yet there are no comments asking to be in the draw.  So get over there quick and sign up.

Here is my progress on The Gift of Stitching online magazine's My Lovely Sewing Tools:
Madame Muriel is enjoying this one - she's says it's just her cup of tea and likes the 40 count.  Of course, 40 count looks huge to her so she would like it.

The Gift of Stitching is having a big change right now, they are going over to bi-monthly next year but bigger issues so still the same price (US$24).  I think this is still pretty good value based on the issues I've received so far.  They are offering current subscribers a choice between 50% off their next subscription or a number of back issues.  So that's the dilemma - the sensible thing is to go for the 50% off but that means parting with some money now (which I shouldn't) but having some back issues is very tempting too and wouldn't cost anything.  I'm going to browse their database and see what catches my eye!

Finally I see I'm nearly upto 150 followers WOW!  I think a little treat is needed for that landmark.  Maybe not a giveaway but something nice for us all.  I also have a half-formed plan for a fun activity for everyone in December.  I need to find out how to "postdate" blog posts first....


  1. Love your Sewing Tools progress, Jo. How absolutely adorable!!

  2. wow jo your stitching on traveling pattern is looking so beautiful..
    and great progress on sewing is looking so lovely xx

  3. Jo,
    Your finished stitching on the traveling pattern is awesome. I love the fabric.

    The fabric name that came to me is Light of Love. (cheesy I know)

    I would love to be entered for a chance to stitch up the pattern to take part in the Stitcherhood.

    I promise to follow all the rules.

    Ohh your progress is looking great on the My lovely sewing tools.

    Congrats on your 150 followers!

  4. THat fabric is gorgeous... I've never thought of using fabric pens like that before!

  5. | love the fabric, I would all it shine of ray.
    I would love to be included in the draw for the travelling chart. I would abide by all the rules and would send it on in a timely manner, after I have stitched it of course.

  6. your material looks like a 'rainbow' thanks for advertising the travelling pattern that i am taking care of at present. i now have some ladies who wish to take it off my hands as soon as i have completed it. i wont volunteer to take yours off your hands at present as i need to complete what i have on the go at present.

    love kath

  7. Your fabric reminds me of the sweets we had when I was a kid so I'm going to call it Gobstopper :-D

    I'd love to be in the draw for the travelling pattern.

  8. ooo please count me in for the travelling pattern :) love what you have done and the fabric I would name Neapolitan Ice candy :)
    and mmmm big decision re the GOS isn't it ... love mouse xxxx

  9. I think your fabric is quite cute and imaginative! And your Sewing Tools piece is looking amazing! I love it.

    I don't need to be entered in the drawing, I have this pattern and it's already been stitched. It's one of my favorites. :)

  10. Your Sewing Tools piece is wonderful! It has so many sweet elements.

  11. Oh I love that fabric! And such an awesome idea! Really should try this someday. I'm not entering for the traveling pattern, but the first name I had in mind when I saw the fabric was Sunshine Skittles - because it sunny and yummy!

  12. Can't do the travelling pattern, but I love what you did with yours!! The fabric is perfect and I never would have thought of fabric pens! Great idea. Unfortunately, my imagination has taken a holiday and I can't think of any names for it right now.

  13. Hi

    I would love to be included in the draw for the Travelling pattern.. what a lovely idea.. I think with the message of the pattern and your colours the fabric could be called. End of the Rainbow

    Chris xx

  14. Hi Jo,

    I would love to join the Sisterhood and do Cucki's TP. My suggestion for a name is Psychedelic Love.

    My blog is

    It looks gorgeous - please tell me how the colouring in with pencils work? Do you mean just ordinary pencils?

    Your My Loving Sewing Tools is looking great, too and I am going to check out Kath's TP, too.

    Hugs, Kaye xoxox

  15. I love what you did with your fabric Jo! It looks gorgeous as does your finish of the travelling pattern. I won't join in this time as I have too much stitching to do at the moment.

    The Stitching Tools piece looks lovely.

  16. I think the fabric should be named "love's rainbow".

    I do Stop by and visit!

  17. Love your finish on the travelling pattern, and I also love your Stitching Tools. I have just started this a couple of days ago but I am stitching over 2 on the 40 count.


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