
Monday 31 October 2011

She's heeeeeeeere!

I was in the Morning Room today giving Clara her instructions for the usual Monday Laundry schedule when Brackett appeared at the door.  "Excuse me, Ma'am but there is a lady of advanced years at the door, carrying a travelling bag which smells slightly of sheep.  She says she is Expected".

I ignored his personal comments (he has been with the family for three generations now and can be rather familiar at times) and jumped to my feet, Madame Muriel has arrived!  Quickly I told Clara to get one of the undermaids to see to the laundry while she was to prepare a light morning coffee for myself and Madame Muriel in the Drawing Room, using the second best china (save the best for afternoon tea).  And tell the Nanny to bring the cleanest child to meet our guest too.

Brackett escorted Madame Muriel to the Drawing Room and we settled down for a lovely chat about her voyage to the Old Country and our planned itinerary during her stay.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about and are worried that you have fallen into a parallel dimension, Never Fear, all will be revealed in due course and here is something familiar - stitching pics:

This is Linda's Drawn Thread Band Sampler from the WWRR Yuku Board.  I chose three bands from Toccata No 1 and used colours from their palette although not the exact ones for each band.  I wanted my bands to blend with the other bands on the sampler.

This is the whole thing, now stitched on by 4 people, 2 to go.  I'm glad my bands are under the tree as they are more densely stitched than the others and not as floral, maybe they represent paths in the garden or formal borders rather than the flowers in the other bands.  They were certainly fun to stitch.  I have really enjoyed this RR and I'm looking forward to the new one planned for Spring 2012.  I have a little idea already....

Have to go now, must check that Clara blackleaded the grates this afternoon, we shall be requiring a fire in the guest room this evening.


  1. wowwwwwwwww she is here with you..i am already very excited..tell her smiley cucki is saying hello from africa ;)
    lovely band sampler..very beautiful..
    keep well and have a lovely time with her..
    love xxx

  2. Oh what a relief that Mme M has arrived safely, one becomes a little concerned when one's friends take to the high seas, so many blackguards and - ahem- gentlemen of dubious reputation fair set to prey on women who have the misfortune to have to travel alone.

    Pray tell your butler that a long association with the family should NOT be taken lightly and that he should remember his place.

  3. Thank you Gillie, it's such a trial finding good staff isn't it?

  4. So happy the Madame has arrived safely. I will be watching for her adventures.

  5. Woohoo! More Madame Muriel adventures! I'm glad she arrived safely and is getting some tea after the long trip.

    Looking at the overall RR piece, your bands remind me of Elizabethan knotgardens. Very nice, and it looks like it was a lot of fun.

  6. I hope Madame Muriel has settled in well, travelling can be such a strain for a lady of advanced years ;)
    Love your Drawn Thread sampler

  7. Wonderful to hear that Madame Muriel arrived safely! "Smells slightly of sheep?!" Oh my! Brackett is a bit too familiar isn't he?!

    Lovely work on the band sampler. It always amazes me to see how well the round robins turn out.

  8. It sounds like a story from the Victorian era! I can't wait to hear more! Lovely Drawn Thread piece!! So pretty!

  9. LOL - "undermaids", yep, I could use some of those around my house..

    That is one very, very, very pretty RR. I like the bands you picked out and the colors really do fit rigth in with the other sections. What a beauty! Can't wait to see more.

  10. What a gorgeous RR! Those stitches you used look familiar, lol. Love your progress on the sampler and the Halloween SAL in the previous post too.

  11. You're a Jane Austen novel!

  12. I am fascinated with the adventures of Madame Muriel,but a bit confused about who she is actually...

    Lovely stitching on the beautiful band sampler, and your stitching on "My Lovely Sewing Tools" is gorgeous too!


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