
Friday 21 October 2011

Lucky, Lucky, Lucky, I have been so lucky!

First I win Cucki's Travelling Pattern, then I get to host the Travelling Granny!

Cucki's Stitching Cove can be found here.  She loves following the various Travelling Patterns around the world and decided to start one of her own.  This is a Lizzie*Kate design, a first for me, which says "Love is Best when you give it away".  How appropriate for a Travelling Pattern!

It's a very sweet, very Cucki pattern and will look great with some variegated reds and maybe some of the hearts charms I picked up.

The next VIP is Madame Muriel Flat Flossie, the Travelling Granny.  This very special elder person started her journey with Anna the Stitch Bitch, travelled to spend time with Stewie and his pet spinster then went all the way to New Zealand to see Margaret.  And now she's coming to the Old Country to visit me!  I'm a little nervous as Margaret has shown her all the sites of New Zealand and MM seems to be expecting to visit with Royalty on her UK trip, we'll have to see what we can do...

Read all about Madame Muriel Flat Flossie, the Travelling Granny here:
I have just explained to hubby about Travelling Granny, he was initially under the impression that Anna's actual Grandma was coming a-visiting!  Mind you, it would be great to meet Maggie in person.  I explained it's like the Bear at Primary School, a different child has the bear each weekend and has to keep a diary of it's actitivities.  If you're lucky the previous person took it to MacDonalds and watched TV, if you're unlucky then the previous child took it pony-riding and to the museum and the theatre then fed the homeless on Sunday so you feel rather inadequate!

I finished this little stitch last week, another PIF from Erica this time.  Erica's Places.  It's been quite hard getting a decent picture of it as it's stitched on black aida with LOADS of beads.  Probably 50% of the design is beads but that's Mill Hill for you!

Erica sent me the chart, the leftover beads and the threads.  There was plenty of thread and almost enough beads.  I had some of the purple and magenta but not the green so I subbed a slightly different green for the "O".  There was just enough orange and plenty of ice.  I didn't have a tiny star but I did have a witch!  This is one of the charms I got from Ang's Attic (remember when I ordered 1 of each charm but actually ordered 1 packet of each!).

I'd like to PIF again, there's some thread left but not enough to stitch again so I'll add the extra in from my stash.  I could also add a piece of black aida unless you are violently opposed to aida or prefer to stitch it on perforated paper.  I will also pop in a witch charm (I had 10 after all!).  You will need to get more beads however.

If you'd like this little chart and extras then leave a comment telling me your favourite myth about English people, for example that we all personally know the Queen, the whole country has tea at 3 o'clock, Northerners keep coal in their bath tubs etc.  You know the sort of thing.  Madame Muriel will help me debunk some of the myths when she arrives!  If you don't know any myths think of English films and TV programmes that make you wonder "Do all English people do that?"

If you don't want the chart then say so but leave a myth comment anyway, the more the merrier!

And finally, for those bobbin users who said they put the unused strands on the table, by the side etc until they need them - this is why I could never do that:

This is not a Quaker sampler, this is my carpet.  It was in the house when we moved in and is in perfect condition.  It is also very large (covers the entire Lounge and all the Hall and Stairs.  We could never afford to replace it with the same quality.  As you can imagine it is very difficult to find dropped items on it.  Unless you are the small boy and have dropped food in which case you can spot a raisin at 50 paces!  Lego is NOT allowed on this carpet as the pattern eats Lego.  Luckily the large boy has a plain carpet in his room.  What you can of it under the Lego carpet.


  1. Are you telling me that not all English people have Tea at 3 o'clock?? (or even 4??) Hmmmm.... :)

    I would like to have a go at the cute chart. :) I really don't have any myths (other than that one you already mentioned, lol).

  2. hi, congratulations much looking forward for your stitching on it..
    i love your stitching..looking so lovely...very sweet..
    lovely carpet..i love the colors so fav colors..
    keep well dear and have a lovely weekend.
    hugs xxx

  3. ohh wow lucky you re the travelling pattern ... and getting grannie too .. mmm myth ....all Yorkshire folk wear flat caps and keep whippets and just love the carpet may be you ought to chart it :) love mouse xxxx

  4. Congratulations upon being the lucky recipient of Cucki's travelling pattern. More fun!

    I know just what you mean about small items getting lost in your carpet. Would you believe that we have a similar type of carpet too in our dining room, and I am always finding little "treasures" hidden on it!

    Enjoy a lovely "stitchy" kind of weekend, Jo.

  5. Your Halloween finish is adorable, Jo! I love the little witch on the broom charm - that is just too perfect~!!!!

    I had to cheat and found this fun web-site:
    I know that everyone in the US thinks that all Britts have terrible teeth, but I didn't notice that when I visited back in the 90s, so clearly a myth!

  6. I will have to keep an eye out for when you post the sweet Sisterhood pattern! Love the Halloween stitched pieced...and Granny too! It woould be fun to have her visit here in Arizona.

  7. Congrats on the wins! I'll pass on the MH chart, but I'll do the myth thing: all Brits are have a stiff upper lip :-) (and I know enough Brits to know it's not true),

  8. What a cute Halloween finish. I too will pass on the chart ~ the first myth that comes to mind is the the English people are a little on the cold side and not very friendly. I can say that I definitely don't find that to be true. :)

  9. Cute finish! I have enough on my plate right now, so please don't enter me into the giveaway. Hmmm, myths? Honestly I can't think of any, I take each person as an individual and don't tend to paste their oddities onto an entire group.

  10. Love the finish. Myths? I would have to guess that all English people eat something called Bacon Butties? Is that just a bacon sandwich?

  11. I will pass on the pattern but honestly, do all of you wear those giant ridiculous hats? William and Kate's wedding did nothing to convince me otherwise. ;)


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