
Wednesday 24 August 2011

Happy Dance, Happy Dance!

Firstly, the song titles were "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd and "Maybe Tomorrow" the theme tune to The Littlest Hobo.  Well done to anyone who recognised them both.

Now onto the Happy Dance.  My Mermaid is finished.  She is Mirabilia's Bluebeard's Mermaid stitched on 32 count Murano hand-dyed by Dawn from The Crafty Kitten, colour is Waterfall.  I used the recommended DMC and my LNS subbed the Carons for DMC and Just Threads.  I changed the mermaid's bs to turquoise and the seahorses to 500, the crown is in one strand of 3371 not 2.  I moved the border out by 5 stitches top and sides (as recommended on the Mirabilia Yuku forum!) and didn't bs it.

I started stitching her for the Mermaid SAL in January but discovered I don't like rotating, my "weeks" invariably became 10 days, so since July I've worked on her constantly.  She has her own page here on my blog so you can see the progress throughout the year.

As it's my Birthday in less than a month (have I mentioned that before?) I will be getting her framed as my present from hubby.  Unless he wins the lottery in which case we will be flying First Class to see Jill Rensel.  Even better I could pay her to come here and frame for all my UK friends!

Enough talk, here she is in all her blingy glory!

And finally, if anyone is still reading, I made a decision on what to spend my gift certificate on.  I discovered that the Victoria's Samplers are both available from SewandSo in the UK so I can easily get them for a little cheaper too, so they are now on my Christmas list.  Therefore I will be treating myself to Prairie Moon Thine is the Trick and the Treat and also Ink Circles Masquerade.  I have not seen them on any UK sites so far.  YaY!  Big thanks to Raven and to everyone for their voting help.  Next I will need you to decide which to stitch first!


  1. Congratulations.A beautiful finish,she is gorgeous,so glad you posted close ups of her bling and beads.
    look forward to seeing the designs on which you spend your gift certificate :)

  2. Congrats for a gorgeous finish, can't wait to see her framed! As for your next start, I'm already casting my vote for Masquerade. :D

  3. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! She's a gorgeous finish, Jo. :D All that bling on her is amazing. Thanks for all the close ups.... yummmm!!! :D

    Ink Circles.... Ink Circles.... :D

  4. Congrats on the finish - she is gorgeous. Next up Trick or Treat gets my vote as it is nearly Halloween.

  5. Joining the happy dance! She is beautiful! Gorgeous colours and I love all the sparkling beads.
    Oh, it seems I somehow missed the voting, but I'm happy Ink Circles Masquerade was picked. I've seen it stitched and it's beautiful!

  6. thats awesome - she looks jewel encrusted

  7. She is Beautiful!! I love how she sparkles and those sea horses are so cute. The list on what I want to stitch keeps getting longer and longer.

  8. Oh Jo - she is just stunning. Beautiful! I love all the beads and sparkles.

  9. Gorgeous!!!! It is such a great feeling to finish such a detailed project. I can't believe how much beading there is!? But the detail is so awesome. The colors are beautiful. I really like this design.

    Congrats lady! Now onto the next big project. :) I'm looking forward to seeing that Trick or Treat design you are getting. It looks really cool!


  10. Soooo beautiful! Well done! I'm attracted to anything shiny, and she seems to sparkle from the sun on the water droplets around her!


  11. Gorgeous finish! She looks amazing!

  12. She is absolutely stunning!
    I love the detail of the beading and the colours are gorgeous.

    Congrats :)
    Beautiful stitching

  13. Such a beautiful finish! Great job.....

  14. Wow Jo, she is stunning! I knew there was a reason I like mermaids! I might have to try that one in the near future.

  15. Stunning, I have always wanted to do one of these mermaids and I think I have one in my stash somewhere!! This is just gorgeous and you have caught the sparkly beads wonderfully in the photos. No wonder you are dancing.

  16. She is gorgeous Jo!! What a sparkly and glamorous mermaid she is!! I love all the close ups, lets me see all the beading and sparkles closely!! Congrats!!

    PS, the song Maybe Tomorrow always makes me a bit sad. I used to watch the Littlest Hobo as a child and I never liked how some people were mean to him, hence why I feel sad when I hear the song. I loved that show.

  17. Congratulations! This mermaid is gorgeous! I didn't like this mermaid until I saw yours!!
    PS.I hope you win the lottery!

  18. So delicious, I love all of the color and the bling. Congratulations!

  19. wowwwwwwww she is so stunning..well done xx

  20. Congratulations on this stunning finish. She is just gorgeous with all her bling. And the little dragons are such darlings.
    Crossing fingers that you'll win the lottery. :)

  21. WOW! What a finish....she is totally stunning! Love the close up pics so we can see the detail. The beading is to die for! I can see this design being on my Xmas list!!
    Congrats on a wonderful finish!

  22. Wowza! wowza! woohoo
    She is gorgeous,

  23. Congratulations Jo, she is so gorgeous and sparkly. Fantastic finish!

  24. What a delight she is! Love her bling.

  25. Congratulations - she is breathtaking. I can't even imagine how beautiful she must be in person - all those beads - simply amazing!
    I can't wait to see her framed.

    PS Keeping my fingers crossed that your hubby wins the lottery! ;-) I dream about Jill Rensel framings too!

  26. What beautiful fabric. I will make a note of the colour and spacing changes you made, because it looks fantastic

  27. Congrats! She's such a gorgeous finish!
    I feel like going and digging mine out of the drawer and drooling.

  28. Congratulations on a stunning finish! She is absolutely gorgeous.

  29. I'm usually not one to like too much bling but holy crap she is GORGEOUS! Congrats on the finish and I LOVE the multiple angle photos.


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